Have your say - USS Pension Survey

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Have your say - USS Pension Survey

Dear colleague,

Further to the USS pension Open Session held earlier today, a recording can be found here.

As mentioned during the session, we would highly value five minutes of your time to complete a short survey to gain your views on the future of the scheme. The survey can be accessed here and will remain open until 7 May. Responses will be collated on an anonymous basis and will be fed back to Universities UK.

Here is a reminder of what the key terms included in the survey mean:

  • Valuation: An assessment of a pension scheme’s overall financial health.
  • Benefits: Money received by an individual or their dependants from a pension scheme. Given at retirement or following other life events such as sickness or death.
  • Defined benefits (DB) scheme: A form of retirement savings where members are promised a set amount of pension benefits, based on their salary and length of service, which are (broadly) inflation-proofed.
  • Defined contributions (DC) scheme: A form of retirement savings where members are not promised a set amount of pension benefits. The total amount of benefits members receive will depend on how much they and their employers contribute, the level of charges that have applied, and how well the pension scheme's investment fund has performed.

Please take this opportunity to complete the survey and to provide your feedback.

If you have any queries or would like to provide other written feedback please email ussconsultation@abdn.ac.uk.

Best wishes,

Professor Karl Leydecker
Senior Vice-Principal