Open Session: USS pension and changes affecting you

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Open Session: USS pension and changes affecting you

Dear colleagues,

Last week I advised in this message of proposed changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS).

If you are in the scheme – or eligible to join it* – please try to join our latest online Open Session this Thursday 22 April between 11am and 12 noon.

Catriona Probert from pension specialists Mercer will begin our event with an overview on the current situation regarding USS covering the valuation, USS benefits, the consultation all employers will be running and the importance of getting involved.

Finance Director David Beattie and Director of People Debbie Dyker will then explain how we will run our own consultation and how feedback will be collected.

You will be able to put questions to the aforementioned panel together with Principal and Vice-Chancellor Professor George Boyne and myself.

This event is open to all staff already in or eligible to join the USS. You can join the session here.

A recording of the session will be made available for those who are unable to join the live event.

*Staff eligible to join the USS are those in posts Grade 5 and above.

About the event

  • This event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams Live Events and can be accessed via the link above.
  • Use the Q&A facility to post your questions – please use only for questions rather than general comments.
  • Your questions will not appear until they are approved by a moderator. You can use reactions in the Q&A to show support for specific questions posted by other users.
  • The panel will try to respond to as many questions as possible in the time given. Duplicate questions will not be published.

Best wishes,

Professor Karl Leydecker
Senior Vice-Principal