Rocking Horse Nursery Trustee sought

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Rocking Horse Nursery Trustee sought

The Rocking Horse Nursery is governed by a Board of Trustees as a not-for-profit organisation.

The Trust is now looking to recruit a new trustee to participate in its oversight and strategic direction. We are particularly interested in someone with a background or current experience in finance.

Trustees will ideally:

•             Have an interest in the provision of childcare and/or delivery of work/life balance issues across the University community. However, Trustees should not presently have children using the nursery’s facilities.

•             Be prepared to review, discuss, and from time to time decide on issues of recruitment, training, salary levels, fees and other operational matters in the nursery.

•             Be prepared to consider expert reports on the nursery and develop appropriate plans and strategy for the future provision of childcare services across the University.

The Trust meets at least 4 times per year. Trustees take collective responsibility for the operations of the nursery, with suitable insurance and indemnities and with the aid of professional management and the input from relevant University advice in HR, financial and estates matters.

If you are interested in becoming a Trustee, please get in touch with the Chair of Trustees, Dr Rachel Shanks at or contact the Clerk to the Trustees, Jemma Murdoch at