New features for MS Teams

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New features for MS Teams

Earlier this month, Microsoft announced some exciting new features for Teams. Some are here now!

What’s new and what’s coming

Custom backgrounds

Being rolled out now – you may already have them! Add one of Microsoft’s supplied backgrounds, or upload one of your own!1

University themed and branded backgrounds will be available soon – we’ll let you know when!

End meeting

Available now – from the ellipsis on the meeting options toolbar – this feature allows meeting Organizers to end a meeting for all participants with the click of a button.

Raise hand

Rolling out this month, this feature will let meeting participants indicate they have something to say during a meeting by clicking a hand-raise icon on the meeting options toolbar.

Participant report

Rolling out this month, this feature will allow meeting Organizers to download a participant report – from the participant list – that includes join and leave times for all participants.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with us at

And don’t forget to check our Teams resource on Toolkit – new guides include Recording meetings and Create a meeting in a channel.


Author: DDIS Training and Documentation Team

1Note: When adding a personal background, consider your choice of image carefully and make sure it is appropriate for the type of meeting you are hosting or participating in. You do not want your image to cause offence for any of the meeting participants.