Restart a Heart - free CPR & Defibrillator training

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Restart a Heart - free CPR & Defibrillator training

Could you help restart a heart?

Restart a Heart Day is a partnership between British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance and all of the UK ambulance services. It aims to teach vital life-saving CPR skills to as many people as possible. In the event of a cardiac arrest early intervention is critical to saving lives, and this year the goal is to train at least 200,000 people to perform CPR and use PADs.

As part of the initiative, the University is offering staff free training in CPR/PAD. The training will be coordinated by Jerry Morse, Manager of the Clinical Skills Centre (Resuscitation Council UK Course Director).

There will be two sessions on February 14 in the MacRobert Building, Room 314.

To book on a session, please visit: