Invitation to Founders' Day - Sunday 11 February 2018

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Invitation to Founders' Day - Sunday 11 February 2018

On Founders' Day we pay tribute to our historic origins as an ancient University and we light a candle to give thanks for the vision of Bishop Elphinstone and our patron fathers.

The Service will be held in King’s College Chapel on Sunday 11 February 2018 at 11am. The Service will be conducted by both Rev Marylee Anderson and Rev David Hutchison, Chaplains to the University, with a message of goodwill from distinguished guest preacher, Right Rev Dr Derek Browning, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Please make a note of it in your diaries.

There will be a reception to follow in Elphinstone Hall, University of Aberdeen.                  

Those who wish to process are requested to complete this form and return it to the Festival and Events Team, University Office, King’s College, as soon as possible and by Friday 19 January latest.