Inaugural Tina Hunter lecture

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Inaugural Tina Hunter lecture

Staff and students with an interest in energy law are being invited to attend a lecture from an expert on the subject that takes place next week.

The inaugural Tina Hunter lecture - ‘Does Petroleum Law as a Discipline Really Exist?’ - will be held at Kings College Conference Centre on Friday (January 20).

Professor Hunter is an expert in energy law who was recently promoted to a Personal Chair, becoming only the second female Professor in the history of the University’s Law School.

The inaugural lecture is an opportunity for Professor Hunter to talk about her research career so far, as well as her current and future research direction.

“During the inaugural lecture I will be discussing my previous research into offshore petroleum regulation in the wake of the Montara and Deepwater Horizon incidents, as well as shale gas law and regulation” she explained.

“I will also be looking at new research into arctic energy installations and the impact of technology on the development of arctic resources, and how such development in the European arctic development is impacting geopolitics.

“So while the lecture will highlight that petroleum law does exist as a discipline, it does not exist in a bubble, but rather is best at home within a multidisciplinary environment. I’m very much looking to the lecture, and would urge anyone with an interest in energy law to come along and hear more.”

Further details, including booking information, is available here.