Our Team

In this section
Our Team

University Office, Regent Walk, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX | tel: 01224 27 2871 | e: planning@abdn.ac.uk

Name Job Title Email Ext
Hulda Sveinsdottir Director of Strategic Planning, Project & Corporate Governance hulda.sveinsdottir@abdn.ac.uk 2871
Vacant Head of Governance & Executive Support    
Jackie Willox Directorate Administrator & Personal Assistant jackie.willox@abdn.ac.uk 2871
Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Iain Grant Head of Strategic Planning i.grant@abdn.ac.uk 2776
Chris Sojka Strategic Planning Officer c.sojka@abdn.ac.uk 3107
Data & Business Intelligence

Data & Business Intelligence

Chris Souter Head of Data & Business Intelligence chris.souter@abdn.ac.uk 2721
Linda Murdoch Planning Analyst linda.murdoch@abdn.ac.uk 2109
Lisa Gove Planning Analyst lisa.gove@abdn.ac.uk 3768
Kathryn Vincent Data Analyst k.l.vincent@abdn.ac.uk 3904
James Buchanan Graduate Trainee - Data Analyst james.buchanan@abdn.ac.uk
Project Management Office

Project Management Office

Iain Grant Head of Project Management Office i.grant@abdn.ac.uk 2776
Emily Stokes Project Portfolio Co-ordinator emily.stokes@abdn.ac.uk 2093


Rachael Bernard Senior Governance Officer r.bernard@abdn.ac.uk 3388
Bruce Purdon Senior Governance Officer b.purdon@abdn.ac.uk 3949
Janine Whitfield Governance Officer janine.whitfield@abdn.ac.uk


Jackie Willox Governance Administrator jackie.willox@abdn.ac.uk


Executive Support Team

Executive Support Team

Heather Crabb Head of Principal's Office h.crabb@abdn.ac.uk 2404
Ross Anderson Executive Support Officer ross.anderson@abdn.ac.uk 3881
Julia Garrow PA to the Principal & Vice Chancellor j.garrow@abdn.ac.uk 2135
Suz Fleming Personal Assistant suz.fleming@abdn.ac.uk 3180
Liza Young Personal Assistant liza.young@abdn.ac.uk 7082
Julie Egginton Personal Assistant julie.egginton@abdn.ac.uk 2099
Fiona Beedie Administration Assistant fiona.beedie@abdn.ac.uk 2134


The Executive Support team provides the Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Senior Vice-Principal, University Secretary, Chief Operating Officer and other members of the Senior Management Team with the administrative and professional support they need to ensure progress is made against institutional priorities and objectives.

The team provides senior managers with a wide range of professional, administrative and PA support services, including:

  • Diary management and travel arrangements
  • Financial transactions, including payment of invoices and expenses
  • Professional administrative support, including the provision of briefings, presentations and speeches
  • Leading and directing the successful achievement of projects of institutional and strategic significance
  • Managing and servicing meetings of the Senior Management Team , University Management Group and other project boards and working groups as required

For further information, please reach out to the relevant Executive Support team member or contact Heather Crabb, Head of Principal's Office (h.crabb@abdn.ac.uk ), tel: 01224 272404.