- Remit
Court Committee
The University Court has established the Partnership Negotiating & Consultative Committee (PNCC) to provide a regular and effective means of partnership discussion, negotiation and consultation on matters affecting terms and conditions of employment and all other employment matters not the subject of national negotiations.
The PNCC has been provided with powers to make recommendations to the University Court regarding any collective or group issue affecting the staff to which this Agreement applies as employees of the University. Any such recommendations will be reached by agreement between the management side and the trade union side of the PNCC and will be recorded before being communicated to the Court. Should failure to agree be registered both views will be communicated to the University Court.
- Composition & Membership
The Partnership Negotiating and Consultative Committee shall comprise six members appointed by the University Court and six members appointed by the Trade Unions, which will normally be 2 representatives each from UCU, UNITE and UNISON. The trade union which is chairing PNCC will be accorded the right to an extra representative.
Six members, being three representatives of the Court and three members of the trade unions shall constitute a quorum.
Standing Orders
- Where it is deemed appropriate and necessary for the consideration of particular issues a full-time Trade Union Official from the relevant Trade Union(s) may be in attendance for the consideration of the particular issue provided reasonable prior notification of the attendance has been given to the Clerk to the Committee.
- In the event of a member on either side being unable to be present at a meeting, then the side may appoint an alternative for that meeting.
- The chair shall alternate annually between the Court and the Trade Union sides. The vice-chair shall be drawn from the side not holding the chair, each year.
- PNCC will be clerked by a member of staff from the Human Resources Office, who will prepare an agenda for each meeting and minutes of meetings to be agreed by all parties to the Committee and who remain impartial to the discussions. Draft minutes of PNCC meetings will be distributed to committee members for comment and agreement within 10 working days of a committee meeting. Once approved, agreed minutes will be made available to all staff on the University's HR web pages. Management members and Trade Union members are entitled to submit items and associated papers for inclusion in the agenda of PNCC meetings.
- With the agreement of the chair and vice-chair either side may invite advisers to be present at a meeting of the PNCC.
- Collective issues affecting staff may be raised directly for consideration by the PNCC, but normally after discussion between appropriate management representatives of the University and the Trade Unions.
- The PNCC will normally meet 4 times per year in advance of each meeting of the University Court in order to ensure the timely communication to Court of relevant PNCC business. An extra-ordinary meeting of the Committee may be arranged at the written request of either the management side or the trade union side, or on an oral request for urgent matters, stating the business to be discussed.
- Agreements reached by PNCC shall normally be subject to consideration and ratification by the University Court.
Membership 2024 - 2025
Karl Leydecker - Convenor 2024 - 2025
Senior Vice-Principal
Debbie Dyker
Director of People
Nicholas Forsyth
Vice-Principal for Research
Jo-Anne Murray
Vice-Principal for Education
Pete Edwards
Vice-Principal for Regional Engagement and Regional Recovery
Elizabeth Rattray
Interim Chief Operating Officer
Siladitya Bhattacharya
Vice-Principal for Global Student Recruitment
Owen Cox
William TocherUnison
David Clough (Vice Convenor 2024-2025)
Daniel CuttsUCU
Brian Paterson
Linda RobertsonUnite
In attendance:
Head of HR
Lindsey Hamilton
(Please note that normally only three of the four Vice-Principals will attend)
- Minutes of Meetings
Approved Minutes of Meetings are available here