Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
- The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) gives individuals general right to access recorded information held by Scotland's public authorities, promoting greater openness and accountability across the public sector.
- Information can only be withheld where FOISA expressly permits it. We will tell you when any information is withheld and the reasons why.
- Scottish public authorities are defined under Schedule 1 of the Act (FOISA) and includes Higher Education institutions, such as the University of Aberdeen. The Scottish Information Commissioner (OSIC) enforces information laws and the right of public access to public sector information.
- The Act also applies to companies that we own, either wholly owned, or in partnership with other public authorities.
- FOISA is concerned with:
- an individual's general right of access to recorded information held by the University
- the information which may be about its activities, decisions, priorities, and plans
- the expectation of help and assistance for those seeking information
- the provision of a Publication Scheme (FOISA Section 23) which lists the main types of information the University routinely publishes
Our Publication Scheme
The University has adopted the single Model Publication Scheme, produced and approved by the Scottish Information Commissioner. It commits the University to:
- publishing the information, including environmental, that we hold and which falls within the classes of information within the scheme
- producing a guide for the public to that information
- The Secretary to the University has overall responsibility for the University's publication scheme. The University's Freedom of Information Officer has day-to-day responsibility for running the scheme.
- The Publication Scheme is reviewed quarterly to ensure links are current and information updated.
- Last reviewed November 2019.
- Publication Scheme - guide to information
- Classes of Information
- Details of Publication Schemes for Subsidiary Companies
How to request information
- You can request any recorded information, in any form and of any age, under the Act. You do not have to say why you want the information, or what you want the information for. You do not need to refer to the Act.
- Requests for information should be submitted in writing, such as email, describing what information you are looking for.
- We do require a full name and contact details, such as an address or email address, so that we are able to send correspondence and help you with your information request. A response will be sent within 20 working days.
- You can request information from us by emailing
Please address your written request by letter to;
Freedom of Information Officer
G60 Edward Wright Building
Dunbar Street
The University of Aberdeen
AB24 3QY
We are there to provide advice and assistance in helping you make a request or identify the information you are looking for.
Please contact us, if you have any further enquiries;
Telephone: +44 (0)1224 272596 or +44 (0)1224 273079