Investment Committee

Investment Committee

Remit: (To be reviewed annually at first meeting of committee cycle)

Responsible for:

  • On behalf of the Policy and Resources Committee and Trustees of the Development Trust, manage investment policy, including objectives and restrictions in the management of funds invested.
  • To undertake the tendering for external investment management and/or advisory services, as appropriate, and to recommend the terms of appointment, including remuneration.
  • To set a long-term investment strategy including benchmarks and targets for the investment managers and/or advisors.
  • To monitor and review the sustainable investment policy in line with the wider University strategy and objectives.
  • To review and hold approval over the investment recommendations made by the investment advisors.
  • To monitor the performance of the investment advisors and/or managers in line with set reporting requirements.
  • To review the performance of the investments in line with set reporting requirements.
  • To submit quarterly reports, and periodic reports if appropriate, to the Senior Management Team, Policy and Resources Committee and Development Trust via the Chief Financial Officer.
Convener     Chief Financial Officer
Membership Three Senior Academics with investment experience (to be agreed with the Policy and Resources Committee) 
  Court / Policy and Resources Committee nominee
  Development Trust Trustee Representative
  Assistant Director of Finance (Financial Accounting)
  AUSA Sabbatical Officer
  External Member with professional investment experience
In attendance      Other Officers, as appropriate

50% of formal membership (including Convener)