Health and Safety Committee

In this section
Health and Safety Committee

The University's Health and Safety Committee is a committee of SMT. The remit of the Committee is:

  1. To advise SMT on matters relating to general health, safety and wellbeing policy
  2. To recommend to SMT actions necessary to implement University health, safety and wellbeing policies
  3. To monitor the extent of compliance with University health, safety and wellbeing policies and to recommend to SMT actions necessary to address areas of non-compliance
  4. To maintain standing sub-committees to consider health and safety matters relating to use of ionising and non-ionising radiations and work with genetically modified and wild-type organisms
  5. To provide a forum for consultation and discussion of health, safety and wellbeing matters
  6. To promote a culture of consciousness of health, safety and wellbeing and of continuing improvement in those areas
  7. To report at least three times each year to SMT

Membership of the Committee

  • Secretary to the University, Tracey Slaven (Convenor)

Management Representatives

  • School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Communication, Dr Dan Wall
  • School of Law, Mrs Carol Lawie
  • School of Divinity, History & Philosophy and School of Education, Mrs Kate Smith
  • School of Biological Sciences, Mr Martin Cowie
  • School of Psychology, Mr Jim Urquhart
  • School of Business, Vacant
  • School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition Medical Research Facility and Dentisry, Dr Guy Bewick
  • School of Natural & Computing Sciences, Dr Rainer Ebel
  • School of Engineering and School of Geosciences, Mr Eddie Stephen
  • Libraries, Special Collections & Museums, Mr Neil Curtis
  • IT Services, Mr Kevin Smith
  • Estates & Facilities, Mr Robert Philp or Mr David Malcolm
  • Human Resources, Mrs Debbie Dyker

Trade Union Representatives

  • PROSPECT, Mrs Dana Wilson
  • UNITE THE UNION, Mrs Jan Walker
  • UCU, Vacant
  • UNISON, Mrs Shirley Cooper and Mrs Laura Benvie

Ex Officio

  • Director of Estates, Vacant
  • Administrator AUSA, Ms Michelle Elrick
  • Student Rep AUSA, President
  • Student Rep AUSA, Sports President

In Attendance

  • Head of Health, Safety & Resilience, Mr Garry Fisher
  • Fire Safety Adviser, Mr Willie Tocher
  • Senior Health & Safety Adviser, Dr Allan Petrie
  • Health & Safety Adviser (Clerk), Mrs Vivienne Amakiri
  • Health & Safety Adviser, Ms Emily Blake


It should be noted that minutes will be published after they have been approved at the following meeting and are therefore not liable to be amended. Whilst the University endeavours to make minutes as widely available as possible, we do not wish to inhibit discussion at committee meetings, and therefore occasionally minutes may have sections removed for reasons of confidentiality. In these instances, a note will be inserted indicating that the minute has been edited on the grounds of confidentiality.

If you wish to see minutes prior to those available below, then please contact the Health, Safety and Resilience Team in the first instance.

Minutes of meetings held 2023/24
Minutes of meetings held 2022/23
Minutes of meetings held 2021/22