Commercialisation Committee

Commercialisation Committee


The purpose of the Commercialisation Committee is to oversee the development (and resourcing) of the University’s strategic approach to commercialisation of research and innovation.


  • Chair - Independent Member of University Court
  • Two or mote other Independent Members of the University Court
  • One Staff/Trade Union Member of the University Court
  • One Student Member of the University Court, or the Rector as Student Representative
  • One Senate Assessor of the University Court
  • Two Co-opted External Members with relevant commercialisation experience

The Committee may co-opt additional members subject to the approval of Court. Additional members will have appropriate expertise and will not be associated with the provision of services to the University.


  • The Committee shall meet three times per year
  • The quorum is 50% of the formal membership (including the Chair)



  • To consider and make recommendations to Court on the University’s overall commercialisation strategy. This is expected to require development of an understanding of the commercialisation pipeline or ecosystem and the identification of existing barriers or bottlenecks and the appropriate infrastructure, resourcing and interventions required to support a smooth flow through the pipeline.
  • Oversee the development of major investment proposals in the commercialisation infrastructure and/or individual spinouts, prior to financial consideration by Finance & Resourcing Committee.
  • Receive overview reporting of the performance of the University’s consultancy, spin-out and joint venture companies.
  • Oversee the university’s policies on Intellectual Property and Consultancy.
  • Receiuve reporting on the creation, dissolution or sale of University subsidiary companies as agreed by the Enterprise & Innovation Committee and Senior Management Team.

Membership 2024-25

Independent Members of Court

Student Member/Rector: Martina Chukwuma-Ezike (Rector) (Register of Interests)

Senate Assessor: Joachim Schaper (Register of Interests)

Staff/Trade Union Member: Martin Barker 

External/Co-opted Members: 

Clerk: Jan Whitfield, Governance Officer

In attendance

  • University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer
  • Vice-Principal Regional Engagement
  • Director of Research & Innovation
  • Head of Governance & Executive Support

Approved by University Court on: 21 November 2023