Supporting yourself at home
Emergencies can happen at any time and without warning, but we can take steps to ensure our households are prepared. A home emergency kit can help you cope with the unexpected. Ready Scotland recommend it holds:
- Torch and spare batteries
- Battery operated radio or wind-up radio
- Mobile phone charger
- Essential medication, toiletries and a first aid kit
- Three days of bottled water and ready to eat food that won't go off
- Formula/ baby food
- Pet food
- Copies of important documents eg insurance policies
- Blankets
- Pencil, paper, penknife, whistle
- Spare keys to your home and car
- Spare glasses or contact lenses
- Putty or a repair clamp for fixing burst pipes
You might want to keep your kit in a waterproof bag in case you need to leave your home without notice - if you are at risk of flooding, for example.