
  • Argounova-Low, T. 2020. Was Yhyakh Celebrated in the Soviet period: Public and Hidden Transcript (Prazdnovalsia li ysyakh v sovetskoe vremia: publichnyi I skrytyi traskript). In: Vestnik AGIKI 1(11): 68-72.
  • Argounova-Low, T. 2020. Century Long Journey: History of one Artefact (Puteshestvie Dlinoyu v Vek: Istoria Odnogo Eksponata). In: Timofeeva, V. and G. Neustroeva (eds). Dialogue: Museum and Society (Dialog: Muzei I Obshchestvo). Yakutsk: National Museum of Arts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  • Argounova-Low, T., Brown, A., Jansari, S. 2020. Model of a Summer Camp: Object in Focus . London: British Museum Press
  • Brown, A. K. 2018. 'Model of a summer festival': engagements with a narrative object in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russian Federation. Contributions to Conferences: Papers
  • Brown, A. K., Argounova-Low, T. I. 2017. Bright Sun Shining: A Siberian Summer Festival. Exhibition. Aberdeen University.