New tool designed to help food industry set climate change targets
A new tool has been launched today (January 31) which enables agriculture and food companies and others to identify reasonable greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the sector.
Fungal research centre of excellence opens at University of Aberdeen
The University of Aberdeen's new UK centre of excellence for fungal research has been officially opened.
Conversations from the North - Abstract Deadline Extended to 14 March 2017
The University of Aberdeen is convening a major international conference in August 2017, on the theme: Conversations from the North: Scholars of many disciplines and inhabitants of many places in dialogue with one another, with animals and plants, and with the land.
Theme: Research and Children in the North - Call for Papers
Submissions are invited for an issue of Education in the North which could detail new empirical research findings or focus on on-going research projects/ work-based projects and even book reviews (see journal website for author guidelines).
'The North as Home' - Call for Papers Deadline 3 February 2017
The 7th Nordic Research Network Conference will be held in King's College, Aberdeen on 24-25 August 2017. Following the increased interest in regional aspects of Nordic life in recent years, the conference theme will address 'The North as Home'.
Encountering the Material Medieval Conference
Interdisciplinary conference on materiality and material engagements with the medieval takes place today and tomorrow 19-20 January 2017, at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
The Role and Contribution of Higher Education in Contemporary Teacher Education
This free talk by Ian Menter, Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education from the University of Oxford examines the international practices and research in the current Scottish context, based on a recent paper commissioned by the Scottish Council of Deans of Education.
University appoints Senior Governor
The University of Aberdeen is pleased to announce the appointment of Martin Gilbert as Senior Governor to lead its governing body, the University Court.