Climate and Sustainability Assembly - Becoming a Nature-Positive University

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Climate and Sustainability Assembly - Becoming a Nature-Positive University

This is a past event

As part of our Aberdeen 2040 commitment to 'encourage everyone within our community to work and live sustainably', the University hosted a Climate and Sustainability Assembly on 15th March, 2023.

If you attended this event, slides from the presentation are available below.

Presentation Slides

To view the slides from the event please click here.


The topic for our first assembly is ‘Becoming a Nature-Positive University’, exploring how we can make our campus a greener, more inviting place for both people and nature, and exploring ways we can reduce our environmental impacts. 

This event is open to staff and students and no previous knowledge is required. We will mix thought-provoking presentations with deliberative discussions and explore what actions we can collectively take to develop a nature-positive university.

At a planetary scale, we are facing an unprecedented crisis in our living world. With three quarters of global land area significantly altered by human activity and one million species threatened with extinction, we need to find solutions at every level for a nature-positive society.

Our first assembly will explore the challenges that nature is facing globally and at a local level, the impact our university has on the natural environment and the role that we as an organisation can have in addressing these problems and the development of a biodiversity strategy. 

The outputs of this event will be used to inform the development of a biodiversity policy and strategy for the University of Aberdeen and will inform the development of a range of practical activities to improve biodiversity on our campus, engaging our staff and students to develop nature positive actions and supporting curricular and extra-curricular activity. A report of the assembly outcomes will be made available to all staff and students and will, in the first instance, be presented to the Sustainable Development Committee of the University. 

Assemblies will run every academic semester and aim to engage staff and students in identifying priority topics to help us shape a greener and more sustainable future for our University.


Presentation Slides

To view the slides from the event please click here. 

King's Conference Centre