Studimi i Folklorit në Kontekst: Baladat, Barkat dhe Festivalet e Zjarrit në Veri të Skocisë (Studying Folklore in Context: Ballads, Boats and Fire Festivals in the North of Scotland)
McKean, T.
Gjurmime Albanologjike, no. 44, pp. 273-292
Contributions to Journals: Articles
The Old Ship of Zion: Sacred Singing as Expression of Identity in North-East Scotland's Coastal Communities
Wilkins, F.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Vatnahverfi: a green and pleasant land? Palaeoecological reconstructions and environmental land-use change
«Ot klassikov k marksizmu»: soveshhanie etnografov Moskvy i Leningrada 1929 g. (From the classics to Marxism: The Conference of Ethnographers of Moscow and Leningrad 1929)
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Alymov, S. (ed.), Anderson, D. G. (ed.)