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  • The topography of drumlins: assessing their long profile shape

    Spagnolo, M., Clark, C. D., Hughes, A. L. C., Dunlop, P.

    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 790-804

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Processing of 13C-labelled diatoms by a bathyal community at sub-zero temperatures

    Gontikaki, E., Mayor, D. J., Thornton, B., Black, K., Witte, U.

    Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 421, pp. 39-50

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • Christopher Abram: Myths of the Pagan North: The Gods of the Norsemen

    Wills, T. J.

    Scandinavica, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 98-100

    Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles

  • Comment on Camilla Olofsson: Making new antlers: depositions of animal skulls and antlers as a message of regeneration in South Sámi grave context

    Anderson, D. G.

    Norwegian Archaeological Review, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 186-187

    Contributions to Journals: Comments and Debates

  • Idioms of Health and Healing in Central Siberia

    Anderson, D. G.

    The Healing Landscapes of Central and Southeastern Siberia. Anderson, D. G. (ed.). CCI Press, pp. 95-110, 16 pages

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)

  • Introduction: Local Healing Landscapes

    Anderson, D. G.

    The Healing Landscape of Central and Southeastern Siberia. Anderson, D. G. (ed.). CCI Press, 12 pages

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)

  • The Healing Landscapes of Central and Southeastern Siberia

    Anderson, D. G. (ed.)

    CCI Press, Alberta. 187 pages

    Books and Reports: Books

  • Vatnsfjörður 2010: Framvinduskýrslur/Interim Reports

    Milek, K.

    Working Papers and Discussion Papers: Working Papers

  • Reconstructing aspects of the daily life in late 19th and early 20th-century Iceland: archaeoentomological analysis of the Vatnsfjörður Farm, NW Iceland

    Forbes, V., Bain, A., Gísladóttir, G. A., Milek, K. B.

    Archaeologia Islandica, vol. 8, pp. 77-110

    Contributions to Journals: Articles

  • The pollen content of so-called ‘ancient’ field systems in Suðuroy, Faroe Islands, and the question of cereal cultivation

    Edwards, K. J., Borthwick, D. M.

    Dorete – her book: - being a tribute to Dorete Bloch and to Faroese nature. Bengtson, S., Buckland, P., Enckell, P., Fosaa, A. (eds.). Fróðskapur, Faroe University Press, pp. 90-110, 21 pages

    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters

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