Page 1 of 3Results 1 to 10 of 30, 20 - 29 March 2019
International Climate Change Regime: Why It Won't Save Us
Dr Daria Shapovalova gave a talk at the Climate Café organised by Aberdeen Climate Action on Tuesday, 5 March 2019.
New study models the proposed reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland
Experts have used an innovative approach to model the proposed reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland.
Tracing travels across the Atlantic for Tartan Week
As North America looks ahead to Tartan Week, a tool created by the University of Aberdeen is enabling the descendants of Scots who made the journey across the Atlantic to trace the route taken by their ancestor
Aberdeen triumphs in university boat race
The University of Aberdeen reclaimed the Aberdeen Standard Investments Boat Race title following a hard fought race with rivals Robert Gordon University on Saturday, March 23.
Principal George Boyne in the thick of 129th Torcher Parade!
On Saturday 23 March 2019, with one of Aberdeen's oldest and most extravagant traditions of torch bearing students collecting donations for local charities.
Engineering a Future for Women
Girls from schools throughout the UK are being invited to apply to take part in a three-day event this summer aimed at showing them that future career opportunities are 'endless' in the area of engineering.
Boat Race Returns to the Dee this Weekend
The annual contest between the University of Aberdeen and Robert Gordon University (RGU), the Aberdeen Standard Investments Boat Race, takes place on the River Dee on Saturday March 23.
University offers funded graduate apprenticeships in civil engineering
The University of Aberdeen is offering 20 funded places on its new Graduate Apprenticeship BEng Civil Engineering programme.
Aberdeen to lead first comprehensive survey of Scots vocabulary since the 1950s
Researchers at the University of Aberdeen will lead a new linguistic survey of Scots - the first comprehensive appraisal of the language to be conducted since the 1950s.
Mining in a northern Tutchone community
Gertrude Saxinger from the Polar Research Institute, Austria will give a talk on Thursday, 21 March 2019 at 3pm at Aberdeen University. All welcome.