Gaelic careers event held at the University (Tachartas Dreuchdan Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh)

Gaelic careers event held at the University (Tachartas Dreuchdan Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh)

*A Gaelic version of this article is available below

The University welcomed guest speakers from the world of Gaelic media, education, teaching and the arts to a Gaelic Careers Event that took place at College Bounds on Thursday, 27 April.

The event, which was held in Gaelic, was designed to promote discussion of possible career paths in Gaelic. Among the six featured guest speakers were Eilidh Cormack of the Gaelic band ‘Sian’ and Patricia MacLeod, Director of Midas Media.

The event was organised for the University’s Gaelic degree students with an invitation to the senior pupils from Hazelhead Academy in Aberdeen, which offers a Gaelic option to pupils.

Michelle Macleod, Professor of Gaelic, spoke to students and pupils about Gaelic study options at the University which caters for all levels of fluency, especially beginners.

Carola MacCallum, the Gaelic Language Development Officer for the University said: “The event provided a great opportunity for our students to make connections as well as having the chance to hear a variety of Gaelic being spoken and being able to practice their own Gaelic.

“We had a great turnout and the feedback was excellent, with many of the students and pupils saying they would now consider a career in Gaelic.

“All those who took part agreed they would like to have more events and opportunities to come together, and we will certainly try to make this happen.”

*Gaelic Version:

Tachartas Dreuchdan Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh

Chuir an t-Oilthigh fàilte air aoighean bho shaoghal nam meadhanan Gàidhlig, foghlam, teagasg agus na h-ealain gu Tachartas Dhreuchdan Gàidhlig a ghabh àite aig College Bounds air Diardaoin, an 27mh den Ghiblean.

Chaidh an tachartas a chumail sa Ghàidhlig agus chaidh a dhealbhadh gus còmhradh a bhrosnachadh mu roghainnean dreuchdail sa Ghàidhlig, am measg an t-sianar aoighean a nochd bha Eilidh NicCormaig bhon chòmhlan Ghàidhlig ‘Sian’ agus Patricia NicLeòid, stiùiriche Midas Media.

Chaidh an tachartas a chur air dòigh airson oileanaich Ghàidhlig an Oilthigh agus chaidh cuireadh a thoirt do sgoilearan àrd-sgoile bho Acadamaidh Hazelhead, Acadamaidh Obar Dheathain a tha a’ tabhann roghainn Gàidhlig, tighinn ann cuideachd.

Bhruidhinn Michelle NicLeòid, Àrd-Ollamh na Gàidhlig, ri oileanaich agus sgoilearan mu roghainnean ionnsachaidh aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathain.

Thuirt Carola NicCaluim, Oifigear Leasachaidh na Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh: ‘B’ e deagh chothrom a bh’ ann dha na h-oileanaich againn tighinn còmhla ann an àrainneachd Ghàidhlig far an cuala iad Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn agus a’ cleachdadh an cuid Gàidhlig fhèin.’

‘Bha mòran an làthair aig an tachartas agus bha an t-ais-mholadh air leth math, le mòran de na h-oileanaich agus sgoilearan ag ràdh gum beachdaich iad air dreuchd sa Ghàidhlig a-nis.”

“Dh’ aontaich a h-uile duine a ghabh pàirt gum bu toil leotha barrachd thachartasan agus chothroman fhaighinn tighinn còmhla, agus gu cinnteach feuchaidh sinn ri seo a thoirt gu buil. ”

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