Art in the Aberdeenshire Environment Database

Art in the Aberdeenshire Environment Database

This is a past event

A description of the Art in the Aberdeenshire Environment database, it's history, underlying philosophy, users and uses and its possible future development now that it has been transferred to the care of the Elphinstone Institute.

The AITE database is a collection of images and information on a wide range of visual artefacts in the county and its marches. Since the Neolithic residents of the area have been making interventions in the environment intended to be appreciated visually. Many of these, from the recumbant stone circles to contemporary temporary installations and graffiti, are recorded elsewhere by category in a traditionally reductive academic way. While such an approach has its own value it is often contrary to our actual experience of the object in its current context. The difference with the AITE is its starting point is location allowing a particularly wide varitey of cross references to be made between objects of contrasting intents, styles and temporal origins.

The artists and craftsman David Watson Hood was born in Ayrshire in 1953 but has lived for the last 38 years in Aberdeenshire on a small croft. Over this period he has worked in a wide range of artistic media from painting and digital art to hard stone carving. During this time he has also pursued many other activities and auto didactic studies of relevance to the AITE project.

He was a founder member of the recently dissolved Banff and Buchan Arts Forum andhas maintained the website of the Art in the Aberdeenshire Environment online database since its inception 16 years ago, as a millennium project, He has also acted as a contributor and its chief researcher and editor.

No booking required. £3 admission (students free).

David Watson Hood
Hosted by
Elphinstone Institute
MacRobert Building