Walking Slowly On Union Street - Performing Listening and Live Coding Workshop

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Walking Slowly On Union Street - Performing Listening and Live Coding Workshop

This is a past event

Join composer and sound artist Suk-Jun Kim who will introduce two different activities for live (sound) performance: slow walking and coding over two days on 13 and 14 November 2015.

On day one, slow walking will be introduced as a tool for listening to a mundane place, using Aberdeen’s high street, Union Street. During this extremely slow walk on Union Street, participants will listen to the sounds, strike conversations with fellow participants and people on the street. With the aim of taking a walk from one end of the street to the other, as slowly as possible whilst listening to the place and people, and sounds of participants’ own making to record and use in a live coding performance.

On day two, a program language called Tidal will be introduced. If you wish, software can be installed on your computer (participants are advised to bring their own laptop, but there will be a limited number of computers available for those who do not have one) to quickly learn to use it for live coding. In the evening, everyone will perform together in front of the audience. This evening concert will be free and open to the public.

Participants will learn how to listen in place, how to use slow walking as means of a performance, and also how to use Tidal for live coding performance. 

Participants Workshop Requirements

  • Bring a laptop (Mac is preferred but PC or linux would also work)
  • Bring a set of headphones
  • Wear warm clothing and comfortable shoes
  • A small notebook (you will need to carry it during the walk) and a pen

Workshop Information

  • Artist: Suk-Jun Kim
  • Dates: 13-14 November 2015
  • Time: 10:30 - 13:30 (Day 1) 10:00 - 15:00 (Day 2)
  • Place: Peacock Visual Arts
  • Number of participants: Around 10 participants. Open to all ages, but you should be able to walk for 4-5 hours.
  • Rate: £15 (standard)  £5 (concenssion)  £0 Special Rate 
  • Please contact the workshop leader to find out about the special rate

Workshop Performance

  • Artists: Suk-Jun Kim, Fiona Soe Paing, Kwangrae Kim and Workshop Participants 
  • Date: 14 November 2015
  • Time: 19:30 - 20:30
  • Place: The Anatomy Rooms

Performance details

Visit the Facebook event page for more information about the evening performance. This performance is free and open to the public. 


Suk-Jun Kim is a Korean composer and sound artist based in Aberdeen, UK. His work has received a number of international awards as well as commissions from the 2006 World Cup in Germany, Bourges commissions and has been a resident composer at Bourges, VICC, MacDowell Colony, and Artists-in-Berlin (DAAD). He teachers electroacoustic composition and sound art at the University of Aberdeen.

For more information

Website: http://slowcooker.sonada.org/workshop_slow_soundwalk.html

Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/slowcooker-series-workshop-2-suk-jun-kim-walking-slowly-at-union-street-tickets-18974233443

Workshop coordinator: Francesco Sani (francescosani.fs@gmail.com)

Contact: Suk-Jun Kim, PhD, Programme Coordinator, MMus in Sonic ArtsLecturer in Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art, University of Aberdeen,MacRobert Building, King's College, Aberdeen AB24 5UA, Scotland, UK.

MUSIC WEBSITE: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/music Office: +44 (0)1224 274618www.reddoorsound.com www.linkedin.com/in/sukjunkim serg-aberdeen.nettweet@reddoorsound

Suk-Jun Kim

Workshop coordinator: Francesco Sani (francescosani.fs@gmail.com)