Sir Robert, The Royal Incorporation and the Festival of Architecture 2016

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Sir Robert, The Royal Incorporation and the Festival of Architecture 2016

This is a past event

An insight into the celebrations planned for 2016.

Founded in 1916 at a dinner honouring Sir Robert Rowand Anderson, the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) was, with Holyrood Palace, a main beneficiary of Anderson’s Will, five years later. For its centenary, the Incorporation is preparing the largest celebration of the ‘mother of the arts’ ever seen – with public events the length and breadth of Scotland, highlighting the crucial importance of a quality built environment to all of our lives – and to generate a lot of fun!

Neil Baxter, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Society of Antiquaries Aberdeen & North East Section
Hosted by
University of Aberdeen Museums
New Kings 10

King's Museum

Tel: 01224 274330

No Booking Required