The Golden Age of Space Exploration: NASA, ESA and Other Space Agencies

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The Golden Age of Space Exploration: NASA, ESA and Other Space Agencies

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We are delighted to welcome Professor Javier Martin-Torres, Personal Chair in Planetary Sciences, for a fascinating presentation on space exploration and the roles of different space agencies

Space exploration has bloomed as one of the most important targets of scientific-technical and strategic (non-military) international interest. We live in the 'Golden Age' of space exploration and the space agencies around the world play a fundamental role. Currently there are more than 70 government space agencies and 14 of them have launch capability. They all are different in nature. For example, the European Space Agency is a consortium of national space agencies of several European countries, while the others are national agencies depending on their governments. The nature of their operations has implications their ways of operation and functioning; how are the different? How is it to work with them?

Professor Martin-Torres has been working at the NASA/Langley Research Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and interacts with NASA, ESA and all other space agencies in the development of space missions. He is also the Principal Investigator of the HABIT instrument that will be part of the ExoMars mission that will travel to Mars in 2022. He will share an insider view on different space agencies, and how researchers and engineers develop a space mission process under different structures, whilst collaborating in the development of large space projects.

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Please note that this session will be recorded and shared online.

Professor Martin-Torres
Hosted by
Development and Alumni Relations