The Walrus in the Walls and Other Strange Tales: House-Rites in the Viking-age North Atlantic

The Walrus in the Walls and Other Strange Tales: House-Rites in the Viking-age North Atlantic

This is a past event

Research into structured deposits that have been found under or within early Medieval Norse houses across the North Atlantic region. Free talk by Tim Carlisle.

The deposits in question are connected to ritual actions through which Norse people manipulated the agency of their homes.

The mnemonics and agency of the house further negotiated the sense of place and identity of the inhabitants within new geo-political realities of Scotland and Iceland.

Research postgraduate Timothy Carlisle is based at the University of Aberdeen.

This NARSS Seminar is hosted by: Department of Archaeology at Aberdeen University. It will be held in Room MT3 in the Meston Building at Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK. 

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