Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 5 of 5, 28 March - 05 November 2024
IFSNu at Circumpolar Health Congress
IFSNu team members Martha Jaw and Amy Caughey presented at Circumpolar Health Congress in Halifax, Canada. Martha spoke about the importance of country food for health and well being.
Aberdeen Humanities Scholars Shine at the Arctic Assembly
Eight University of Aberdeen scholars led two panels and participated in multiple sessions at the Arctic Assembly in Bodø Norway (30 May - 1 June).
IFSNu will be at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
IFSNu members Jessica Penney will be presenting at this exciting side-event running alongside at this year's United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The event is co-organised with the Inuit Circumpolar Council, and we are grateful for their guidance and assistance in partnering with us. Nancy Wachowich will be chairing...
The Inuksiutit project at Arctic Science Summit
On Thursday (28 March 2024), IFSNu Co-Investigator Amy Caughey presented a poster at the Arctic Science Summit in Edinburgh.
Inuksiutit project replies to COSEWIC consulation on Ringed Seal
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) put out a consultation survey on the Ringed Seals as a Species of Concern. The Inuksiutit project, in partnership with Inuit food advocates Sheila and Samantha Katsak, submitted a critical report on the consultation processes and the suggested listing...