Antropolog ili politik? Politicheskie pristrastiia i teoreticheskie postroeniia Sergeia Shirokogorova (Anthropologist or Politician? Political Bias and Theoretical Constructions of Sergei M. Shirokogoroff)
Cultural Politics of Land and Animals in Treaty Eight Territory (Northern Alberta, Canada)
Westman, C.
Entangled Territorialities: Negotiating Indigenous Lands in Australia and Canada. Dussart, F., Poirier, S. (eds.). University of Toronto Press, pp. 117-139, 23 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
German Archaeologial Institute, Darmstadt. 288 pages
Books and Reports: Books
Nabliudaia za nabliudateliami: o vizual'nykh tekhnikakh teoretizirovaniia Sergeia i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh (Observing the Observers: On Visual Techniques of Theoretical Thinking of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff)
Первые данные по анализам стабильных изотопов скотоводов позднего голоцена Прибайкалья и их радиоуглеродное датирование (The First Stable Isotope Analyses of Late Holocene Pastoralists in Cis-Baikal and their Radiocarbon Dating)
Waters-Rist, A., Losey, R. J., Nomokonova, T., Turkin, G., Goriunova, O.
Серия «Геоархеология. Этнология. Антропология», vol. 18, pp. 90-109
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Prostranstvennye arkhitektury v otnoshenii͡akh mezhdu li͡ud'mi, zhivotnym mirom i landshaftom na severe (Spatial architectures in the relationship between people, wildlife and landscape in the north)
Anderson, D. G., Loovers, P., Schroer, S. A., Wishart, R. P.
Arkheologii͡a Arktiki. Tupakhin, D., Fedorova, N. (eds.). ROS-DOAFK, pp. 5-24, 20 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)