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Name | Position | Discipline | Research Interests |
Dr Dimitrios Anagnostakis | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Transatlantic relations, European Union and internal security (justice and home affairs - JHA), relations between the European Union and the United States, cybersecurity, terrorism and counterterrorism, international security. |
Professor David Anderson | Chair in the Anthropology of the North | Anthropology | Political ecology, human-animal relations, development theory, political anthropology, landscape studies, ethnohistory, archaeology, the history of science and cross-cultural ideas of health, Central and Eastern Siberia and the Russian North, Northern Norway, Northwestern Canada. |
Dr Tatiana Argounova-Low | Senior Lecturer | Anthropology | Ethnic identity, nationalism, post-socialist societies; oral traditions; reindeer herding communities, food and diet in reindeer herding communities; Siberia, Sakha diaspora, mobility, migration, roads. |
Dr Arnar Árnason | Senior Lecturer | Anthropology | Death, emotion, and psychotherapy and the politics thereof; subjectivities/subjection; narratives, memory and forgetting; embodiment; identity and landscape. |
Professor Mervyn Bain |
Personal Chair |
Politics and International Relations | International relations, foreign policy, asymmetry within international relations, post-Soviet legacies, economic and development issues, Cold War geopolitics, Latin America, Cuba, Russia and the Soviet Union. |
Dr Philippe Beauregard | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations |
International politics; political psychology; leadership; cooperation; security; environmental politics; emotions; personality; transatlantic security community; interventions; intrastate conflicts; qualitative methods, foreign policy analysis. |
Dr Lynn Bennie | Reader | Politics and International Relations | Political participation, party membership and electoral behaviour; democracy and political representation; party adaptation and change; multi-level politics with focus on Scotland and UK; social movements and green politics. |
Dr Tom Bentley | Senior Lecturer and Head of Department | Politics and International Relations | Collective memory and memory studies, colonial discourse and postcolonial theory, political apologies. |
Dr Margaret Bolton | Lecturer | Anthropology | Andes region (Bolivia); science, technology and expertise; development; animal-human relations; colonialism; the state; ethnohistory. |
Professor John Bone | Personal Chair | Sociology | Political economy, social and biosocial theory, well-being and social media research. |
Mrs Kerry Boyne | School Administrator (PGT/Research & Student Visa) | School Administration | |
Professor Alison Brown | Personal Chair | Anthropology | Western Canada; museum anthropology; indigenous heritage management practices; repatriation; material culture; visual anthropology; ethnohistory; Blackfoot cultural histories; First Nations artistic practice; Scots and First Nations' fur trade narratives. |
Professor Steve Bruce | Emeritus Professor of Sociology | Sociology | The changing nature and status of religion in the modern world; the political influence of religion; religion and sexual deviance; in particular the use of religion in sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. |
Dr Bennett Collins | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations |
Environmental, energy, and climate governance; Environmental and land-use ethics and communication; Place and displacement; Social movements and activism; Transitional justice; Truth-seeking & historical dialogue processes; Critical human rights and collective rights. |
Miss Costanza Concetti | Research Fellow | Politics and International Relations | Solar Power in the UK -Planning for a Sustainable Future |
Dr Natasha Danilova | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Critical military studies and Feminist IR; gender and war; politics of war memory; art, aesthetics and war; militarisation and militarism; society-military relations; veterans' politics; heroes and heroism, identity politics in the UK; regional politics and (in)securities in Russia and other post-Soviet Eurasian states. |
Ms Jill Davis | Deputy School Administration Manager | School Administration | |
Dr Stuart Durkin | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Nationalism and ethnic politics, terrorism, conflict Resolution and peace and human rights education policy. |
Dr Sonja Erikainen | Lecturer | Sociology | |
Dr Luisa Gandolfo | Senior Lecturer | Sociology | Gender; memory; memorialisation and commemoration; post-war recovery; refugees and migration; religious practices and social change; cultural resistance; Palestine; Jordan; MENA. |
Emeritus Senior Lecturer | Sociology | ||
Dr Nour Halabi | Interdisciplinary Fellow | Politics and International Relations | |
Dr Malcolm Harvey | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Scottish politics, constitutional politics, devolution and constitutional change, multi-level governance, referendums and consultations. |
Professor Bernadette Hayes | Emeritus Professor | Sociology | Gender relations; political sociology; sociology of religion; Ireland, North and South; post-conflict societies. |
Dr Mohsin Hussain | Research Fellow | Politics and International Relations | Solar Power in the UK -Planning for a Sustainable Future |
Professor Tim Ingold | Emeritus Professor in Social Anthropology | Anthropology | |
Dr James Johnson | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Strategic studies; artificial intelligence and future warfare; great power strategic competition; deterrence theory and strategic stability; nuclear weapons; and nuclear non-proliferation and arms control issues. |
Professor Michael Keating | Emeritus Professor | Politics and International Relations | European politics, nationalism, public policy, urban and regional politics and society, and social science methodologies. |
Dr Isabella Kasselstrand | Senior Lecturer | Sociology | Secularization, secularisation, nonreligion, religious indifference, religion and social trust, cultural religion, ritual participation, quantitative methods, Scotland and Scandinavia. |
Dr Christopher Kollmeyer | Senior Lecturer | Sociology | Macro-comparative sociology, political sociology, political economy, globalization, societal change, trade unionism, income inequality. |
Dr Manu Lekunze | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | International Security; Maritime Security; US-Africa Relations; National Security in Africa; Political Economy; The Post-Colonial State; Post-Brexit UK-Africa Relations; Military Organisational Strategy; Security Governance and Policy; Social Cohesion; Complexity Science. |
Mrs Janice Longhurst | School Administration Assistant; UG PIR Sub-Honours (Level 1 & 2) | School Administration | |
Dr Peter Loovers | Research Fellow | Anthropology | Arctic, collaborative research practices with Indigenous Peoples, colonialisation and decolonisation, filmmaking, food security and food sovereignty, human-animal relations, museum and heritage, energy transition, resource extraction, social and environmental justice, United Nations Declaration on Indigenous issues. |
Professor Joanne McEvoy | Head of School, Personal Chair | Politics and International Relations | Ethnic conflict, post-conflict institutional design, power-sharing, external actors and peacebuilding. |
Dr Andrew McKinnon | Senior Lecturer and Head of Department | Sociology | Global Anglicanism, conflict, metaphor, narrative and ritual); social theory (especially: classical theory, religion, rhetoric); and I maintain an active ongoing interest in historical sociology. |
Dr Samantha May | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Religion and the Public Sphere, Political Islam, post-secularism, Critical Counter-terrorism, Faith-based charity, Gender and International Political Economy. |
Professor Gearoid Millar | Professor of Peace & Conflict Studies | Sociology | Peace and conflict studies, peacebuilding, transitional justice, international development, international interventions in post-conflict contexts, complex interactions between global and local actors, ethnographic peace research methodologies, monitoring and evaluation of peace interventions, local experiences of post-conflict interventions, complexity theory, complex challenges to peace, climate change, interdisciplinary research, sub-Saharan Africa, Sierra Leone. |
Professor Martin Mills | Chair in Anthropology and Head of Department | Anthropology | Tibet and Tibetan-speaking areas, Tibetan modes of protest. |
Mrs Susan Mitchell | School Administration Coordinator; UG PIR Honours (Level 3 & 4) | School Administration | |
Dr Peter Olayiwola | Lecturer | Sociology | Human trafficking, exploitation/'unfreedom', migration, and qualitative research methods. |
Dr Sabine Parrish | Interdisciplinary Fellow | Anthropology | Anthropology of food and nutrition; Brazil; coffee; food insecurity. |
Dr Johan Rasanayagam | Senior Lecturer | Anthropology | Uzbekistan and Central Asia, postsocialist societies, the anthropology of Islam, morality and subjectivity, healing practices and spirit possession, religion and the secular, anthropology of the state. |
Dr Isabel Seidel | Teaching Fellow Sociology | Sociology |
Literary and social theory, nineteenth-century periodical press, the media, women's writing, gender, identity, and work. |
Dr Judith Sijstermans | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations |
Political parties; nationalism; populism; Western Europe; Scotland; United Kingdom; European Union; transnational networks. |
Professor Michael Smith | Chair in International Relations | Politics and International Relations | International security; international cooperation/organization/institutions; conflict resolution; social/experiential learning; regional integration/governance; Europe/European Union; the international politics of science/technology. |
Lecturer | Anthropology |
Oceania (esp. Melanesia/Vanuatu); economic anthropology; anthropology of work; labour migration; development; anthropology of religion; cognitive anthropology; agriculture and horticulture. |
Dr Digdem Soyaltin Colella | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations |
Good governance and anti-corruption policy, global governance of corruption, EU and fight against corruption, politics of corruption, mechanisms of state capture, autocratic bureaucracies, illiberal governance, Turkish politics, Southeast European politics. |
Dr Norman Stockman | Emeritus Senior Lecturer | Sociology | |
Dr Ezel Tabur | Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Immigration, asylum, migration and development, European Union, EU Neighbourhood Policy, EU Policymaking. |
Dr Kathrin Thomas | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Research methods, public opinion, survey methodology, comparative politics, elections and voting, political participation, political psychology. |
Mrs Pam Thomson | School Administration Manager | School Administration Manager | |
Dr David Toke | Reader | Politics and International Relations |
Technology policy and politics and 100 per cent renewable energy systems; neoliberalism and the energy crisis; planning politics of onshore wind, solar farms and offshore windfarms; nuclear power policy, politics and regulation; co-operative and community renewable energy; ecological modernisation and energy. |
Dr Jo Vergunst | Senior Lecturer | Anthropology | Scotland and Europe, landscape and phenomenology, environmental anthropology, rural histories and rural development, walking and mobilities, environmentalism, heritage, contemporary art. |
Dr Ritu Vij | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Political Economy; Social Theory; International Political Theory; Precarity and Affect; Postcolonial theory; Informality and Subalternity; Aesthetics and Politics; Temporality and Politics; Global Studies: South and East Asia (India, Japan). |
Dr Nancy Wachowich | Senior Lecturer | Anthropology | Arctic anthropology, ethnohistory, oral traditions, indigenous media, museums and material culture, visual anthropology, symbolic anthropology, anthropology of colonialism. |
Dr Jennifer Walklate | Lecturer | Anthropology | Museums; Museology; Temporality; The Uncanny; The Carnivalesque; Literary Theory; Anxiety; Museum Philosophy; Museum Histories; Social Responsibility; Ethical Practice. |
Professor Claire Wallace | Chair in Sociology | Sociology | Quality of life, social and community wellbeing; national and European identity; digital communications in rural areas; cultural heritage; gender, work and welfare; the social impact of oil. |
Dr Andrew Whitehouse | Lecturer | Anthropology | Nature conservation, farming, identity, knowledge and values, ecological anthropology, continuity and change, human-animal relations, sound, landscape, Islay, Scottish Highlands, Britain. |
Dr Anders Widfeldt | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Political parties, party organisations, Nordic politics and the European extreme right. |
Dr Rhoda Wilkie | Senior Lecturer | Sociology | Human-animal interaction. |
Dr Robert Wishart | Lecturer | Anthropology | Sub Arctic Canada: Gwich'in, Ojibwe, Scottish Fur Traders; oral history, identity, colonial wildlife management regimes, continuities in hunting traditions, ethnohistory, landscape. |
Mr James Wyllie | Emeritus Professor | Politics and International Relations | Strategic theory; British foreign and defence policies; European security issues; Middle East security issues. |
Dr Ilia Xypolia | Senior Lecturer | Politics and International Relations | Middle Eastern Politics and History; Imperialism, Nationalism, Eurocentrism, Orientalism; Global Politics of Human Rights; The politics of numbers and global benchmarking. |