Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 01 - 20 April 2021
Dr Gearoid Millar to deliver chapter at University of Strathclyde
Dr Gearoid Millar has been invited to share his latest chapter at the 5th Annual Postgraduate Law Conference, Reimagining Justice and Ethnography, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow on April 29 and 30. Speaking at the virtual conference, Dr Millar will deliver the chapter, 'The Long-Term Legacies of Transitional Justice:...
Dr Marta Trzebiatowska interviewed by Deseret News
Dr Marta Trzebiatowska has been interviewed by the long-running Utah-based Deseret News on women's relationship with faith. Speaking to Mya Jaradat, Dr Trzebiatowska addressed the question, 'Is the future of faith female?' The answer, she replied, is shaped by multiple social aspects, but particularly the roles that women assume over their lifetime. "The...
Dr Gearoid Millar secures British Academy Collaborative Action-Research Project
Dr Gearoid Millar has secured a British Academy action-research grant, in collaboration with Dr Lidia Cabral (Institute of Development Studies), Dr Melanie Levick-Parkin (Sheffield Hallam University), and Dr Iva Pesa (University of Groningen). The interdisciplinary project, entitled Just Food?, runs from April 2021 to March 2022 and will create a mutual...
Dr Christopher Kollmeyer awarded a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship
Dr Christopher Kollmeyer has been awarded a Research Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust. The award funds a one-year research sabbatical to undertake a substantial study on whether economic globalisation promotes civil peace in developing countries. The project, Does Global Capitalism Promote Civil Peace in Developing Countries?, draws on Dr Kollmeyer’s considerable experience...
Kirsty Kernohan, PhD student in Anthropology publishes award-winning journal article
Congratulations to Kirsty Kernohan, PhD student in Anthropology, who has received the Alfred Truckell Prize from the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society (DGNHAS) for her article 'Dr Werner Kissling as an ethnographer of Dumfriesshire and Galloway'. The article will be published in the 2021 volume of the DGNHAS...
Dr Luisa Gandolfo Publishes Article in the Journal of International Migration and Integration
Dr Luisa Gandolfo has published an article, entitled 'Navigating Trust and Distrust in the Refugee Community of Malta', in the Journal of International Migration and Integration. Drawing on data gathered in Malta under the auspices of the Society for Libyan Studies, the article considers how different forms of trust and distrust are negotiated...