Professor Gearoid Millar will deliver a paper at this year's annual conference of the British International Studies Association, to be held at the University of Birmingham between June 5-7.
Under the theme, Everyday Peace and Lingering Violence, panellists will discuss the strategies that communities and social organizations are using to overcome obstacles, including visibility, invisibility, and marginalisation in transitional justice processes.
Reflecting on this, Professor Millar will present his paper, entitled 'Everyday Violence amidst Lingering Peace: Undermining Global Security'.
Through the paper, he will address the limited extent to which 'the everyday' has been defined and unpacked by scholars.
the everyday is one more thing that is somewhere ‘other’ from the academics, theorists, and policymakers who talk about peace and peacebuilding
In particular, he will consider how violence at an inter-societal or global scale can become an everyday occurrence - to the point that various forms of violence become normalised and over time threaten the fragile post-Cold War peace.
Professor Millar will also act as the discussant on the panel, Explaining and Preventing Civil War Recurrence, on Wednesday, June 5.