PIR Seminar Series

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PIR Seminar Series

The PIR Seminar Series is a great opportunity for scholars from the University, guests from abroad, and students to share their work and discuss research.

Department of Politics and International Relations Seminar Series, Second Term Programme

Spring 2024/2025

For further queries about the Politics and International Relations Seminar Series, contact Dr. Digdem Soyaltin Colella at digdem.soyaltin@abdn.ac.uk . This series is hosted by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Aberdeen. The seminars are dual-streamed on MS Teams.

All are welcome!

5 February

Dr. Dimitrios Anagnostakis (UoA)

EU-NATO Cooperation on Countering Hybrid Threats


19 February

Dr. Ali Watson (St Andrews)

Dr. Bennet Collins (UoA)

Discriminatory housing and child welfare policies against Scottish Gypsy Traveller (TBC)


26 February

Sandy Bremner (Cairngorms National Park Authority)

The Politics of Nature Conservation in Scotland: a Cairngorms Perspective.


5 March

Dr. Nour Halabi (UoA)

The Future of Syrian Governance


12 March

Professor Vassilis K. Fouskas (University of East London)

Cyprus 1974: Anatomy of an Invasion


19 March

Dr. Manu Lekunze (UoA)

Nigerian security: The Tragedy of Latent Great Powers

(Book Launch)


23 April

Dr. Digdem Soyaltin Colella (UoA)

Populism and corruption: Mapping the relationship in Turkey