Page 2 of 3Results 11 to 20 of 26, 07 April 2023 - 03 October 2024
Science Fiction Writing Competition Open to All Students
The Strategic Studies team is proud to host its debut Science Fiction Writing Competition this semester, with the winner receiving a £200 cash prize and publication of their work on the University’s website. The writing competition is open to students of all levels and disciplines and aims to investigate conflict and...
Dr Manu Lekunze briefs African Union on Education Policy
On the 1st of March 2024, Dr Manu Lekunze, with colleagues from the Open University and the University of South Africa, provided a technical briefing to the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on how to shape education policy to foster peace, security, and prosperity.
Dr James Johnson announces new book "The AI Commander"
Dr James Johnson just announced a new forthcoming volume that presents a human-centric exploration of synthesizing man and machine in future conflict.
Dr Judith Sijstermans and Dr Coree Brown Swan win Best Article Prize
Dr Judith Sijstermans (University of Aberdeen) and co-author Dr Coree Brown Swan (University of Stirling) won the 2023 Best Article Prize from Regional and Federal Studies, alongside co-winners Christoph Trinn and Felix Schulte.
Strategic Studies awards students for their achievements
The Strategic Studies programme held its annual 'Strategic Studies Oscars Award Ceremony' to mark the end of the semester and celebrate students' achievements in delivering their seminar presentations.
Aberdeen Scholars Awarded Grants for Workshops on Security in the Arctic
Dr Dimitrios Anagnostakis and Dr Manu Lekunze have been awarded a grant from the Scottish Government's 'Arctic Connections Fund' to launch two workshops on Security in the Arctic.
Dr Kathrin Thomas launches Stats Chameleon webpage
Dr Kathrin Thomas has launched a webpage to encourage researchers to be literate in different coding languages for quantitative data analysis.
Dr Malcolm Harvey and Dr Judith Sijstermans host book meeting
Nordic scholars of small autonomous and partially independent territories gathered at the University of Aberdeen in September to discuss ongoing work on an edited volume comparing several case studies.
Success for School of Social Sciences in Guardian University Rankings
The University of Aberdeen has been ranked 4th in the UK for Anthropology and Archaeology, 7th for International Relations, 9th for Politics and 14th for Sociology and Social Policy in the latest Guardian University Guide.
Dr Ilia Xypolia gives a talk on Global Power Shifts and Greek Foreign Policy
Ilia Xypolia presented a paper entitled "From taken for granted to an assertive ally: dilemmas, challenges and opportunities for Greek Foreign Policy in an evolving international order" at the prestigious Conference "A Progressive Agenda for the Next Decade: Goals - Priorities - Policies" organised by the ENA Institute for Alternative...