Postgraduate Taught

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Postgraduate Taught


Eligible self-funded international Masters students will receive the Aberdeen Global Scholarship. Visit our Funding Database to find out more and see our full range of scholarships or email .

Anthropology Programmes

MLitt Museum Studies

The MLitt in Museum Studies makes extensive use of the University's internationally important collections and museums to explore museum history, collections, practices and social roles. Gain experience working in a museum setting, work closely with professional and academic staff, and tailor your studies to your areas of interests with an array of optional courses.

Programme Director: Prof Alison Brown

MSc Anthropological Research

A prayer wheel

The MSc Anthropological Research offers a unique opportunity to delve into human cultures and societies within a world-renowned academic setting. This programme combines rigorous theoretical teaching with fieldwork opportunities to equip you with both the analytical frameworks and practical skills essential for advanced anthropological study.

Programme Director: Dr Johan Rasanayagam

Politics & International Relations Programmes

MSc Climate Politics and Policy

wind turbines on a hill in the countrysideThe MSc Climate Politics and Policy provides you with the opportunity to study the politics of climate change as the largest issue currently facing humanity as a whole, and the policies that have emerged to mitigate and prevent further damage, from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Programme Director: Dr Bennett Collins

MSc International Finance and Political Relations

A woman stands at a podium delivering a presentation

This programme combines the strengths of the School of Social Science and the Business School to explore the intersection between money, politics and power and the relationship between international finance and policymaking at the transnational level. This programme is designed to train specialists for careers in the international finance or in the government/non-government (NGO) sectors, where an understanding of global flows of money, trade and labour, and the global distribution of wealth they engender, is required.

Programme Director: Dr John Bone

MSc International Political Economy

A globe sits on top of a financial report

This programme introduces you to the conceptual and theoretical terrain of international political economy, with a particular focus on the dimensions of globalisation that have re-shaped international flows of capital, goods, and labour. You will gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the interactions of global politics and economics.

Some of the topics covered throughout this programme include neoliberalism, international trade, financialization, gender, poverty and inequality, development, post-development, and the rise of economic nationalism.

Programme Director: Dr Ritu Vij

MSc International Relations

A panel of diverse speakers at the UN.  A woman with dark hair is in focus.

Study international order/disorder in relation to the interaction among states, transnational institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), multinational corporations, popular culture, and everyday life.  The MSc International Relations provides a sustained engagement with key issues in contemporary international relations including development & political economy, critical & human security, globalisation, gender, identity, human rights, and governance.

Programme Director: Dr Ritu Vij

MSc International Relations and International Law (Joint Programme)

A panel of speakers sit in a wood panelled room in front of an audience

Combining the strengths of the School of Social Science and the Law School, this programme combines courses in the theory and practice of International Law and International Relations, offering you a unique interdisciplinary perspective on a range of contemporary issues related to the transformed nature of global governance.

Programme Director: Dr Ritu Vij

MSc International Relations and Management (Joint Programme)

Students listen to a professor in a lecture theatre

Delivered jointly by experts from the School of Social Science and Business School, this programme combines the study of how current international political and economic issues impact on how governments, businesses and other organisations operate globally.  Develop a rigorous understanding of management theory, including business strategy, management, and leadership, and how global events impact on business in areas such as the availability of labour and raw materials, supply chain reliability, government regulations and changing market opportunities.

Programme Director: Dr Ritu Vij

MSc Politics and Public Policy

A diverse group of professionals in a meeting

This programme equips you with the necessary expertise and skills for careers in politics and policymaking in government, business, third-sector organisations, the media, the research sector, and international institutions.  You will gain an understanding of key problems and issues in contemporary politics and the practice of public policy.  You will also explore how diverse political actors influence the political agenda, how the policy process works, the challenges facing policy-makers, how policy evolves, and the impact of public policy.

Programme Coordinators: Dr Lynn Bennie and Professor Joanne McEvoy

MSc Strategic Studies

This long-established programme delivers a thorough understanding of strategic affairs by scrutinising salient, real-world security issues that affect a range of sectors around the world, while developing the methodology and knowledge needed to interpret strategic situations that present in these areas. You will learn from experts who have experience in public policy; government departments; and international organisations such as NATO, EU, UN, and think-tanks; and who have worked as advisers to various governments including the UK, US, EU, and East Asia.

Programme Director: Dr James Johnson

MSc Strategic Studies and Diplomacy

UN building with rows of international flags in front

This programme is for anyone interested in the workings and interactions of governments across various levels, concerning governments which have both friendly relations and those which endure more strained relations. It will also be of interest for professionals interested in progressing their careers who require knowledge on diplomacy and strategic thinking within both government and non-government organisations.

Programme Director: Prof Mervyn Bain

MSc Strategic Studies and Energy Security

This programme draws on the University's expertise in international security and the energy sector to deliver a detailed understanding of global energy security, in the context of how different countries and regions operate today. Gain a multidisciplinary perspective on the challenges to the security of upstream energy supply, and the contributions of national and international strategies to addressing salient vulnerabilities.

Programme Director: Dr James Johnson

MSc Strategic Studies and International Law (Joint Programme)

students attend a lecture.  two male students with glasses are in focus

This programme combines the expertise of the School of Social Science and the School of Law to develop your understanding of the theory and practice of the uses of power and force by states to achieve national and international security objectives.  You will also gain an appreciation of the development and implementation of international law as it attempts to control coercion and limit violence, and develop key skills needed for critical legal and political analysis of current international issues.

Programme Director: Dr James Johnson

MSc Strategic Studies and Management (Joint Programme)

three students work on a group project around a table

Drawing on the expertise of the School of Social Science and the Business School, this programme provides a mix of in-depth business understanding combined with a strategic approach to understanding global threats, risk and growth. Develop a comprehensive understanding of world affairs and specific issues that challenge business constantly, and the skills and knowledge needed to steer business and organisations through or around conflict.

Programme Director: Dr James Johnson

Sociology Programmes

MRes Social Science

Panoramic view of the crown atop Kings College on Aberdeen's campus, with a view looking toward the modern Sit Duncan Rice library

The MRes in Social Science is a one-year research degree, combining specialist and generic training to equip you with transferable skills for graduate employment in the public, private and third sector. It also lays the foundation to undertake future doctoral studies.

Programme Director: Dr Chris Kollmeyer

MSc Peace and Conflict Studies

This programme is designed for students wishing to develop an advanced knowledge of the intellectual terrain of conflict resolution and post-conflict peacebuilding. You will explore the processes through which state and non-state actors have attempted to define and build peace in areas affected by conflict and examine the intersection and overlap between peacebuilding theory and these processes. You will gain the skills necessary to pursue a career in conflict intervention and peacebuilding practice, or to pursue further studies in this subject at a PhD level.

Programme Director: Prof Gearoid Millar

MSc Policy Evaluation

Institutions and organisations are increasingly demanding evidence-based policy formation. However, there are few graduates with the training in policy evaluation and the necessary Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) techniques to provide that “evidence.”  This programme meets this demand by equipping you with the skills necessary to provide effective policy evaluation and programme M&E for government and third sector organisations, working in both domestic and international contexts.

Programme Director: Prof Gearoid Millar

MSc Sex, Gender, Violence

This programme investigates how gendered violence arises, is quelled, and our response to it, during and in the aftermath of violent conflict. Using the theories and practices of sex/gender and post-war recovery, the course brings into focus the nuances of development, reconciliation and the psychological implications of sustained exposure to violence.

Programme Director: Luisa Gandolfo

MSc Sociology

This programme provides an in-depth understanding of and training in the use of sociological theory and methodology, complemented by a series of elective courses covering some of the main specialisms of the Department of Sociology. It's particularly well suited for those wishing to extend their knowledge of sociology into the postgraduate level, or for those with little or no experience of sociology who want to equip themselves for advanced study in the future.

Programme Director Dr Luisa Gandolfo