Joining student activities is an excellent way of getting to know lots of people and making friends for life! There is a huge range of clubs and societies for students to join; check out the A-Z of what is on offer on this site AUSA website .
There are several societies and sports clubs aimed primarily (though not exclusively) at medical students. You'll find an up-to-date list of medical societies on the Suttie website and a few on the AUSA website as well.
And if you still don't see anything to your taste, you can always start up a new student activity of your own! More information is available on the AUSA website or you can set up a meeting with a member of the AUSA team by emailing .
Support from the Medical School
SMMSN Student Support Lead
The SMMSN Student Support Lead is always available to students should they have any worries about their life in Aberdeen. The Student Support Lead has a wealth of experience in dealing with students' problems, ranging from worries about leaving home, family difficulties, financial issues, to problems with health and poor performance at university. If the Student Support Lead cannot help solve the problem, they will source the appropriate help and if necessary, initiate the first contact. New students meet the Student Support Lead during allocated lectures with details of how to get in touch with them should the need arise. The shared email address is
A senior member of academic staff is the School's Lead for student support.
Regent Scheme
The University operates a Personal Tutor system (see ). The School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition separates the functions of the Personal Tutors into pastoral and academic as decreed by the GMC. The academic support roles are provided by the Year Lead teams. In addition to this the School operates a long-standing pastoral support system known as the Regent Scheme.
Every medical student is assigned to a senior member of staff, their Regent, who meets with his or her students regularly. The Regent is available to provide support and guidance on any personal problem that a student may have throughout the course. In addition, the Regent acts as a mentor to help with the student's professional development, e.g. identifying strengths and weaknesses, career advice and preparing a CV. Students will first meet with their Regent during Fresher's Week or shortly thereafter. The Regents are supported in their role by the Student Support Lead and deputies.
MBChB Support Service
The MB ChB student support service is provided by a senior member of academic staff and deputies and an NHS Grampian Consultant Psychiatrist. This service aims
- to support the student in coming to a fuller understanding of the difficulties facing them;
- to help the student understand the potential treatment options available to them;
- to facilitate referral to secondary care mental health services where required;
- and to support the student while they work through their difficulties.
Student Pairing Scheme
The Student Pairing Scheme involves a pairing of every first year student with a "mum & dad" - second year students, who can provide help and support and advice based upon their own experiences.
Academic Support
Course Lecturers and Tutors
If students experience difficulties with the content of the material, they should approach members of staff. In the first instance, many problems can be best resolved by talking to the member of staff teaching that particular component of the curriculum. Students can also discuss the matter with their tutors or any other staff member they feel appropriate.
Phase Coordinators
Dr Alison Jack is the Year 1 Co-ordinator and as such has overall responsibility for the teaching in this year. She also personally delivers much of the teaching. The remaining Year Co-ordinators likewise are keen to offer help to students with difficulties.
Online Self-Assessment of Progress
These exercises are issued every few weeks in Year 1 and are designed to give students feedback on their understanding of the teaching material.
Advisory Interviews
Should students not have performed well in any of the formative assessments, they will be invited to attend an Advisory Interview when the matter can be discussed and help and advice given.
Student Learning Service
Students can obtain further help by making an appointment to see an advisor, or by access to:
Support from the University
Student Advice and Support Office
The University provides access to a wide range of sources of advice and support for students. Included under the umbrella of Student Support are:
- The Student Advice & Support Office, which provides advice and information on three broad areas - disabilities, international student matters and general advice and support (including personal and financial difficulties).
- The University Counselling Service, which is a free, confidential and professional service for students who have personal, social, emotional or educational concerns.
- The Community Liaison Officer and SRAs, who are responsible for the creation of a positive community in University managed Halls of Residence.
For more information on Student Support Services please visit
Career Advice
The University Careers and Employability Service provides career planning advisory services; access to a wide range of resources; advice on job applications and details of the latest graduate jobs, placements and internships. The Head of the Careers and Employability Service is also the University Career Adviser for Medicine. Find out more on the Careers website .
Within the MBChB programme Dr Mustafa Osman has a specific remit to ensure that Aberdeen medical students have clear advice and guidance to inform their career choices.
Support from Student Organisations
Students' Association Advice Centre
The Info and Advice Centre is a useful support service for students. As part of the Students' Association, it is tucked away on the first floor of the Hub . Students can find out more information and contact details on the AUSA website .
Freshers' Week Events
There are now various events to help students meet the rest of their year group during Freshers' week, in addition to the usual Freshers' arrangements. These activities are designed to help students make friends and not feel so lost at the beginning of their studies.
All the above information will be given to students when they first arrive to study Medicine at Aberdeen. This information will be given in talks by members of staff, as well as within the Student Handbooks for each year of the curriculum.
The important thing to remember, is that there is always someone willing to listen, advise and help, all students need to do is ask!
The accommodation medical students select often reflects the stage they have reached in the curriculum:
- Year 1 Students: Many students prefer to stay in halls of residence, in or near the Old Aberdeen campus, which are generally located within a 30 minute walking distance of Foresterhill.
- From Year 2: As students become familiar with Aberdeen, the University and Foresterhill, many students often elect to share houses or flats within the city.
- Year 3 and 4: Students undertake clinical attachments at Foresterhill. They often elect to stay close to the hospital, either in shared flats and houses, or in self-catering flats of Rosemount Hall of Residence. When students undertake clinical attachments outwith Aberdeen, they maintain a home-base locally, but their accommodation is paid for during a distant placement.
- Students who undertake the Remote & Rural Option based in Inverness during year 4 and/or year 5 will have accommodation supplied and may elect to relinquish their Aberdeen accommodation for the duration of the attachments.
Visit the University's Accommodation website for more about student accommodation in Aberdeen.