

Undertaking an intercalated degree programme gives you the chance to study a particular area in depth whilst studying for a further qualification at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Students usually take the degree at the end of Year 3, leaving to go into the BSc at the start of Year 4. However intercalating after Year 4 is also an option. Currently at Aberdeen to be considered for a postgraduate intercalating programme you must have completed 4 years of MBChB study or already have a Bachelors degree.

The variety of intercalated degrees offered at Aberdeen allow you to:

  • further your interest in a particular area of medical research
  • gain new research skills
  • enhance life-long learning skills
  • strengthen your CV
  • obtain an excellent foundation for a career in academic medicine

Intercalated Undergraduate Degrees

At Aberdeen, we offer intercalated BSc degrees in the following disciplines:

Intercalated Postgraduate Degrees

(you must have completed 4 years of MBChB study or already have a previous Bachelors degree)

Undertaking an MSc is an excellent opportunity to develop in-depth specialist knowledge in your chosen topic and enhance your skills in scientific research. We offer the following intercalated MSc degrees:

Intercalated Degree Aims

Our intention at Aberdeen is to provide a stimulating and rewarding learning experience. The main objective is to promote knowledge and understanding within a specific field of medically related science at both the theoretical and also practical level. Students will be strongly encouraged to implement critical evaluation of the theory and methodology of their specific subject. Alongside the teaching, research experience will be obtained through conducting various practical based analyses and projects. These will include expert supervisor led projects in laboratory and dry-research environments.

During the intercalating year, students are expected to further their knowledge and understanding of areas of medically related research and to consider how best to apply these concepts to the clinical practice. All skills acquired during the intercalating year will be relevant to future medical careers and students will be encouraged to apply their newly acquired skills to build their clinical competences.

Tuition Fees

Current tuition fee rates can be found here .

For SAAS funded students wishing to undertake a MSc, SAAS will not fund this. You may however be eligible for a postgraduate tuition fee loan. More information can be found on the SAAS website.

Information relating to intercalating

An information session relating to intercalating will be given to third year students in December/January. This will be noted within the third and fourth year timetables and will be given by the Intercalating Year Lead. The session will present the various intercalating options available in Aberdeen and allow students the opportunity to ask questions.

External applicants are encourage to contact the Intercalating Year Lead for further information -