
Academic Requirements

Non-Academic Requirements


Deferred Entry


If I miss the deadline for handing in my application form, how will this affect my application?

  • The closing date for Medicine is 18:00 (GMT) 16th October 2024, and we do not normally accept late applications.

When should students hear the results of an application?

  • MMI interview days will be undertaken from November to March. You should be able to access the outcome of your application through UCAS Track by the beginning of April at the latest.

Do all Medical Schools have the same admissions policy?

  • No, many are very similar but academic requirements, interview policies and undergraduate curricula may vary. Students should research the entry requirements and admissions procedure at each individual institution and plan their school studies and UCAS application accordingly.

How do you decide how many places you have available?

  • You will be aware that entry to this programme is highly competitive, attracting large numbers of applications from highly qualified and motivated applicants. Additionally, we are required to manage the number of students admitted to our programme from different parts of the UK, in order to meet targets set by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council, which are set annually.

What should I do if I have unusual or extenuating circumstances?

Can I transfer onto your MBChB Course?

  • We do not allow transfers into the MBChB programme to students who have commenced other degree courses, nor can the School consider applicants who have commenced an alternate degree course with the intention of making an application for Medicine whilst they are an undergraduate student of that course.

Where can I found out more information about a career in Medicine?

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Academic Requirements

What would you advise me to study in (SQA) sixth year?

  • For applicants who have just missed our academic requirements in S5, it is vital that you make written (or email) contact with us directly for advice on your S6 programme of study. For all applicants S6 studies form part of our academic scoring system and three full courses should be undertaken.

I wish to study a non-science subject at A level as one of my 3 A-Levels. How will this affect my application?

  • The Admissions Committee is willing to consider applications from A-Level candidates who are undertaking a third non-science subject provided Chemistry plus one of Maths, Physics and Biology are being offered. There may however be some A-Level subjects, such as General Studies, which are not acceptable. If in doubt contact the Medical Admissions Office.

Does the Admissions Committee give preference to A -Level applicants offering three science subjects?

  • The simple answer is no. Each application is considered on its own merits and the Admissions Committee has no preferences for particular combinations of subjects.

Can I get into Medicine by studying Biomedical Sciences?

  • This is not a guaranteed route into Medicine, although we do receive a large number of applications from biomedical science graduates. We usually admit around 25 graduates, including those with biomedical science degrees, each year. All entrants are into Y1 of the 5-year MBChB programme.

I have a 2:2 Honours degree but wish to study medicine. If I undertake an MSc will this improve my chances of acceptance?

  • Due to the large number of graduate applicants with 2.1 Honours degrees or better, an additional qualification such as an MSc will not improve the chances of acceptance.

What happens if I fail to meet a conditional offer made?

  • When the results of Scottish Highers, Advanced Highers and A-Levels are available in August, the Admissions Panel considers all applications. If the Panel cannot confirm the place for medicine, it may be possible to offer a place for an alternative course at Aberdeen. Candidates could then consider re-application for medicine as a graduate applicant if they have achieved Honours 2:1 level.

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Non-Academic Requirements

Can I submit additional information to support my UCAS application?

  • We are happy to receive such paperwork, but advise that documents should be sent to Medical Admissions at the time that the UCAS form is submitted.

Should I list all my paid employment, or just relevant work-experience?

  • Relevant hospital or general practice experience is very useful, but there are often difficulties obtaining this. What we are looking for is an understanding of what a career in medicine entails, and that your perceptions aren't just based on ER or Casualty! In addition, you should list all your voluntary work activities and also paid employment, expanding on what you have learnt from it in your personal statement.

If a student is having difficulty in gaining work experience, what are the alternatives?

  • You should describe the difficulties you have had in obtaining relevant work experience, but also state in your UCAS Personal Statement that you have attempted to research your future careers in other ways. Attempt to arrange private visits to medical schools and speak with doctors/students, or get information about Open Days e.g. by contacting Aberdeen Student Recruitment and Admission Service. There are lots of online work experience modules available. Google Virtual Work Experience. We have our own module available too!

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What is your cut off score for the UCAT?

  • We do not have a cut off for the UCAT. The score allocated is based upon an applicant's overall performance in the UCAT compared with the performance of all other applicants to Aberdeen. Achievements are ranked in deciles and allocated the appropriate score.

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Deferred Entry

Will taking a year out increase my chances of being offered a place?

  • It does not really matter - we judge all applications on their merits. As long as you have a clear plan about what you want to do, preferably involving work of a caring nature, it won't affect your application.

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