Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Drawing on existing best evidence from the widening access literature and practice across the UK , we have tailored our entry requirements to the specific Scottish context of potential applicants. Applications are very warmly welcomed from across Scotland.

We have academic and non-academic criteria that are both required for entry on to the G2M programme.

Academic Entry Criteria:

  • A minimum of 4 Highers at AABB over one or two sittings (over S4-S6). This must include any two sciences from Chemistry, Maths, Biology/Human Biology and Physics or;
  • National Certificate Level 6 Applied Sciences Group award, to be achieved with 18 credits plus a science Higher at grade A achieved over one academic session and accompanied by a suitable reference from course tutor.
  • HNC Applied Science to be achieved with 15 credits, a grade A in the graded unit all achieved at the first attempt.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant is resident in an area with a SIMD20 (Quintile 1) postcode as classfifed by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
  • Applicant is a young person who is care experienced (e.g. looked after by the local authority in care or care leaver)

OR - meets a minimum of TWO from the below list:

  • SIMD40
  • Young Carer (what is a young carer)
  • Estranged - i.e. living without a family support network
  • Applicant is eligible for the Educational Maintenance Award
  • Applicant is eligible for Free School Meals
  • You are a eligible refugee or asylum seeker
  • Resident in a Remote and Rural area (4, 5, 7, 8 on the 8 fold URC). You can check your classification on the Scottish Government website .
  • First generation applicant to higher education (neither of your parents attended higher education)
  • Prior to secondary school, the applicant was not schooled in English (e.g. the applicant did not speak English when starting secondary school in Scotland)
  • Applicant attends one of these target schools.
  • Applicant can provide verifiable independent evidence (e.g. from School Head Teacher) of severe sustained financial hardship that is not reflected in current SIMD categorisation

Graduates, non-Scottish domiciled applicants, international applicants, and those who have previously enrolled on a higher education programme are not eligible to apply for this programme.

If you apply for the G2M programme you will need to complete an eligibility form. This will be emailed directly to you once your UCAS application has been received after the January UCAS deadline has passed. This must normally be completed by your school and returned to us by the specified date. You may be asked to provide evidence to support your eligibility.

Non-Academic Requirements

Applicants must also be able to demonstrate that they possess a range of skills and attributes that are required to study medicine. In order for you to demonstrate this to us and set yourself apart from all other applicants, you need to submit an excellent personal statement. All personal statements will be reviewed prior to interview invitations being sent out.

Things to consider when writing a personal statement include:

  • Motivation to study medicine
  • An insight in to your own strengths and weaknesses (these may be learnt through work experience, paid employment and personal experiences)
  • Can communicate effectively
  • Are able to interact with others
  • Resilience and the ability to deal with difficult situations
  • Empathy and the ability to care for others.

The Medical Schools Council (MSC) have produced " A Statement on the Core Values and Attributes needed to Study Medicine " which may be helpful when writing a personal statement.


All eligible applicants will be invited for interview.

Interviews will likely take place April. Teaching will begin late August.


Those applicants who have taken the UCAT in the summer prior to applying for the G2M programme may not be required to retake the test. Others will take it towards the end of the G2M year.

English Language Requirements

The requirement for English language for G2M will be the same as for the current pre-medical programme, i.e. a minimum grade of 6.0 IELTS with ≥ 6.0 in speaking test. Pupils who require English language support during G2M will have support from appropriate staff from NESCOL and the University of Aberdeen. For entry to Year 1 MBChB students must have achieved a minimum grade of IELTS 7.0 overall with 7.0 in the speaking test by 1 August of the academic year.