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- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Undergraduate Study
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- ISSF @ Aberdeen
- Projects
- Use of vitamin A-like drugs as new treatments for obesity and type-2 diabetes
- Natural antibodies to detect and prevent fungal infection
- Are cystic fibrosis patients more vulnerable to fungal Infections? A zebrafish could have the answer
- Using fluorescent tags to visualise fungal activity during infection
- How do gut microorganisms affect the growth of fungi in our gut?
- Developing new technology for understanding Candida’s tolerance to drugs
- New tools for the treatment and detection of serious fungal infections
- Investigating the causes of pathological inflammation
- New antimicrobial treatments: Learning from the mouse immune system
- Editing the genome to understand the signals controlling inflammation and appetite
- Identifying the different fungi living in the human gut
- Defining a novel population of stem cells and the fat tissue they make
- Understanding the connections between obesity and cancer
- Initiatives to support ‘practical wisdom’ in contemporary healthcare
- Identifying the brain circuits that regulate appetite and weight gain
- What is the evidence for apps and wearables? New health technologies for chronic conditions
- Predicting and measuring disease progression in Parkinson’s disease
- Understanding the energy expenditure axis to combat obesity
- Is Crohn’s disease going viral?
- Understanding the signals controlling type 2 diabetes
- Improving recruitment and retention of participants to clinical trials
- Public Engagement
- Funding Opportunities
- Projects
- Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
- Research Impact
- You are what you eat - leading the development of healthy eating options
- Assessing the foetal risk of allergy exposure during pregnancy
- Better eye screening prevents blindness due to diabetes
- Provexis-Fruitflow – keeping your blood flowing through thick and thin
- Assessment and Management of Depression
- Combating Campylobacter
- Treatment of Varicose Veins
- A seal of approval for tooth decay treatment
- Towards improved policies on public sector pay
- Influencing national and international breastfeeding care
- Smoke-free Scotland
- Making in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) safer
- Sativex - Development of a licensed cannabis-based medicine
- New anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis
- Combatting Alzheimer’s - new drugs with great promise in the fight against neurodegeneration
- Feeding cattle yeast significantly improves growth and health
- Human therapeutics derived from sharks
- Generation of an antidepressant - Valdoxan
- Cancer@ABDN
- FEMhealth
- The SEATON Study
- Clinical Academic Training
- News
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