Participant Feedback

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Participant Feedback

Feedback from study participants from the 15 year follow up:

The questionnaires were simple enough to follow and a do-able length.

I found the staff during the Clinical aspect of the study easy to understand.

The study hasn't impacted on my life but I like the fact my small contribution to the study will have helped others in the future.

I enjoyed finding out about by my own personal results. I learnt about my lung capacity and what I'm allergic to.

It's good to be part of such an important and I'm pleased that my voluntary help in research.

I have learnt from the study about the benefits of getting vitamin D and E during pregnancy and I think this is a really significant and valuable discovery.

The nurses carrying out the research are always friendly and explained the results fully. It is always made clear that everything is voluntary and you are never made to feel uncomfortable.