The FEMHealth programme ran from 2011 to 2014, supported by a Horizon2020 grant. For further details, please contact Dr Sophie Witter .
FEMHealth stands for 'fee exemption for maternal health care'.
Focal countries for this work are Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali and Morocco. All have recently introduced national policies to reduce financial barriers for delivery or emergency obstetric care.
The overall aims of the project are
- to develop new methodological approaches for the evaluation of complex interventions in low income countries,
- to improve the health of mothers and their newborns by performing comprehensive evaluations of the impact, cost and effectiveness of the removal of user fees for delivery care on maternal and neonatal health outcomes and service quality, and
- to improve the communication of this evidence to policy-makers and other stakeholders.
The research will be conducted by a consortium of eight partner institutions.
Dr. Sophie Witter (Senior Research Fellow & Principal Investigator for the FEMHealth Project) - University Of Aberdeen talks about FEMHealth and the work she does within it.