Masters' Programme

In this section
Masters' Programme

All postgraduate masters programmes consist of 180 credits at SCQF Level 11. There are generally two main types of masters' degrees depending on whether they are course-based (taught masters) or research-based (research masters). The following outlines the different types of MSc degrees offered by the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition.

Research Masters: Master of Science in Medical Sciences

Type: Research masters degree

Structure: Independent research project carried out within a research group and supervised by academics.

Length: 12 months full-time or 24 months part-time

Examination: Submission of research thesis and viva voce examination.

Entry requirements: normally 2.1 or equivalent

Fees and additional costs: Tuition fee* for postgraduate research degrees for 2021/22 is £4500 for UK students and £21,500 for International students. There are additional project costs of £3000.

Further information: For further information contact

* Aberdeen graduates are eligible for an Alumni Discount of 20% on tuition fees

Taught Masters

Taught masters

120 credits of taught courses selected in accordance with the specific programme guidelines. The final 60 credits in made up of a research project or placement.

12 months full-time or 24 months part-time

Courses examined by in-course assessments and/or written exams. Research project /Placement examined by submission of project thesis or report.

Entry requirements:
normally 2.2 or equivalent

Fees and additional costs:
Tuition fee* for 2021/22 academic year is £10,200 for UK students and £23,500 for International students.

Further information:
Details of all of the programmes offered by the school can be found on the University's Postgraduate Taught web pages .

Selected programmes and coordinator:

The following is a list of the MSc taught lab-based programmes. It is not exhaustive and does not include non-lab-based or online taught masters' programmes.

MSc Cardiovascular Science & Diabetes (Dr Nimesh Mody )

MSc Clinical Pharmacology (Dr Steve Tucker )

MSc Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bio-business (Prof Ian Stansfield )

MSc Developmental and Reproductive Biology (Profs Neil Vargesson & Lynda Erskine )

MSc Drug Discovery & Development (Dr Steve Tucker )

MSc Immunology & Immunotherapy (Dr Frank Ward & Dr Isobel Crane )

MSc Microbiology (Dr Donna MacCallum )

MSc Molecular Medicine (Dr Anke Roelofs )

* Aberdeen graduates are eligible for an Alumni Discount of 20% on tuition fees