Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 12, 16 - 30 October 2018
Could your unborn child help scientists to improve the health of the future population?
Babies that aren't even born yet could help Aberdeen scientists to improve the health of future generations.
Professor Louise Locock delivers teaching and a seminar in Denmark
Louise was invited to contribute to a 3-day course for PhD students in Odense, Denmark on patient and public involvement in health research, organised by Professor Mogens Hørder from the University of Southern Denmark.
WW1 voices to be brought to life by leading actor and singer in Aberdeen
The voices of soldiers, doctors, nurses and ordinary people affected by the First World War will be brought to life at a free event featuring actor and director John Bett and acclaimed singer, songwriter and broadcaster Fiona Kennedy.
University secures three new Athena SWAN Awards
The University of Aberdeen is delighted to announce that another three of its departments have received the Athena SWAN Bronze Award.
Aberdeen's Medical Physics expertise creates family ties
Elina Stamatelatou says the decision to move from Greece to study Medical Physics at the University of Aberdeen was an easy one for the simple reason that Aberdeen has an established reputation for excellence in the field.
Overweight or smoking mums cause 'worrying changes' to unborn children's thyroid
Smoking or being overweight during pregnancy causes 'worrying changes' to the development of the unborn baby's thyroids, and could predispose them to disease after birth, according to a new study from the University of Aberdeen.
First appointment to Aberdeen's £4.5million cancer research team
The University of Aberdeen has made its first major appointment as part of its £4.5million campaign to install a world class cancer research team.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the University has lit King's Chapel and New King's pink throughout October.
New Director of Dentistry
We are delighted to welcome Professor John Gibson as our new Director of Dentistry at the Institute of Dentistry in Aberdeen.
PhD student wins best presentation
Daria Antipova won a best presentation prize at the NHS Highland RD&I Annual Conference