Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 11, 10 - 31 January 2019
Bone graft company spun out from the University of Aberdeen awarded compliance mark
In a development that represents new hope for repairing challenging bone fractures, a University spinout has received a CE mark for a synthetic bone graft substitute.
Aberdeen team part of international research hub to tackle child stunting
The University of Aberdeen is part of a new £19.76m research hub led by the London International Development Centre (LIDC) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) that aims to tackle the problem of stunting in children.
Royal appointment for Professor Parson
A leading Aberdeen anatomy professor has received a prestigious Royal honour.
Man-made chemicals in our environment cause 'worrying' changes in sheep livers
Exposure to man-made chemicals found all around us has caused 'worrying' changes in sheep livers, according to the researchers behind a new study.
HRH The Duchess of Rothesay officially 'installs' Principal
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Rothesay officially installed Professor George Boyne as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen today (Wednesday, January 16).
Death and Missed Appointments
Missing GP appointments is associated with early death, and those with long-term mental health conditions are at particular risk.
Open session with Marion Campbell (Foresterhill)
Date: Tuesday 22 January 2019 Time: 10.00 - 11.00 Venue: Polwarth Auditorium
Why is the diagnosis of women's cancer often delayed?
Gynaecological cancers are relatively common - ovarian, cervical and uterine cancers together make up about 20,000 cases each year, with approximately 7,400 deaths.
New primary care paper published in BMC Medicine
Repeated missed GP appointments linked to mortality risk
Surgery remains most effective weight loss treatment but weight management also works
Surgery remains the most effective and cost-effective long-term approach to reducing weight for adults who are severely obese, according to new research from the University of Aberdeen.