Page 2 of 65Results 11 to 20 of 648, 22 January - 17 February 2025
University of Aberdeen team shortlisted for a brace of Digital Health and Care Awards
The team behind GEMINI have been named as finalists for two awards at the Digital Health and Care Awards 2025.
University of Aberdeen biotech partnership named as finalists in Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards
The partnership between biotechnology company Vertebrate Antibodies-EpitogenX Ltd and the University of Aberdeen has earned a place in the shortlist for 2025's Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards.
New trial tests high-fibre route to reducing cancer treatment side effects in NHS patients
NHS cancer patients are being given extra fibre in a new study aimed at reducing the unpleasant side effects of radiotherapy and potentially increasing its effectiveness.
New theme lead for Scotland Beyond Net Zero
Baukje de Roos to co-lead Scotland Beyond Net Zero food theme
Seasonal decline in Scottish vitamin D levels has persisted over hundreds of years
People living in Scotland 400 hundred years apart have been shown to suffer similar seasonal declines over winter in their vitamin D levels despite the enormous changes in lifestyle and diet over the intervening period.
Weight-loss without the sickness? Scientists seek to bypass popular obesity drug's side effects
How to harness the potential of weight-loss drugs without some of the unwelcome side-effects is the subject of a £1.2 million research project getting underway at the Rowett Institute and University College London.
Veganuary momentum fades as participants struggle to maintain meat-free options beyond January
Academics at the University of Aberdeen have compared attitudes and knowledge around sustainable eating - and willingness to reduce the amount of meat consumed - over a 10-year period. They found that although initiatives like ‘Veganuary’ were helpful in introducing people to alternative diets, this was not sustained in most of...
From a war zone to new diabetes diagnostics and treatments
A University of Aberdeen diabetes expert will share the incredible journey which took her from a teenager fleeing war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994 to becoming the first female Regius Chair of Physiology - a position appointed directly by the King - three decades later.
Can AI ease the pressure in front line emergency care?
Alongside Queen Mary University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust, and London's Air Ambulance, The University of Aberdeen is looking at how AI can support clinical decision-making in emergency care.
Regular use of common medication is putting older people at risk
Regular use of certain medications by older people can increase their risk of falls, heart attacks, dementia and even death.