This is a past event
Looking for something for the kids to do on campus during the Easter Holidays? The Easter Fèis (pronounced Faysh) is the Gaelic word for festival and gives school age children four days of traditional music and arts tuition during the Easter Holidays!
The University is hosting the annual Easter Fèis at the MacRobert Building during the second week of the Easter holidays.
Pre-schoolers who are going into GME P1 in Augusts are also welcome to sign up!
P1-3 will enjoy a range of music, Gaelic song, arts, crafts and games.
P4+ can choose to focus on 3 options from Clàrsach, Guitar, Tin Whistle, Accordion, Chanter, Fiddle, Singing and Art!
The Easter Fèis is organised by the Aberdeen Fèis and runs from 8th-11th April, with fees set at £80 for your first child and £70 for each additional child.
Booking is open until Sunday, the 24th of March at
Gaelic Description
Tha an t-Oilthigh a’ cur fàilte air Fèis na Càisge bliadhnail ann an Togalach MhicRobert air an dàrna seachdain de shaor-làithean na Càisge.
Bidh an Fhèis a' toirt ceithir latha de cheòl traidiseanta agus leasanan ealain do chlann aois sgoile tro shaor-làithean na Càisge.
Tha fàilte cuideachd air clann ro-sgoile a bhios a’ dol a-steach gu FMG P1 san Lùnastal.
Nì P1-3 ri raon de cheòl, òrain Ghàidhlig, ealain, ceàird agus geamannan.
Faodaidh P4+ taghadh air 3 roghainnean eadar Clàrsach, Giotàr, Fìdeag, Bogsa-ciùil, Feadan, Fìdheall, Seinn agus Ealain!
Tha Fèis na Càisge air a cur air dòigh le Fèis Obar Dheathain agus bidh i a’ ruith eadar 8mh-11mh Giblean, le cìsean stèidhichte aig £80 airson a’ chiad leanabh agaibh agus £70 airson gach pàiste a bharrachd.
Tha clàradh fosgailte gus 24mh Màrt
- Venue
- MacRobert Building