7th Annual Quality and Safety in Healthcare Event

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7th Annual Quality and Safety in Healthcare Event

This is a past event

The 7th annual Quality and Safety in Healthcare Event will be held on Tuesday 01 May 2018 at the Suttie Centre, Foresterhill Campus, Aberdeen.

The aim of the event is to share knowledge about quality in health care within the NHS, University and wider community.  Objectives of the event are to share the quality work being undertaken within Grampian, learning about quality and safety from out with NHS Grampian and to provide an opportunity for staff to showcase their work and network.  The event also provides an opportunity to prepare presentations and posters and for researchers and health professionals to share research and practice in quality safety.

 Registration for this event will open in early 2018. 

Suttie Centre for Teaching and Learning in Healthcare

For further information please contact Carol Fraser, carol.fraser8@nhs.net