Summer placements for undergraduate students studying medical sciences at the University of Aberdeen have been successfully running this summer, despite the restrictions of COVID-19.
Students have been working remotely within research teams in the School, studying a wide range of topics. These include regulation of the ACE2 gene in COVID-19, treatment for spinal cord injuries, image analysis of taste bud receptors, 3D digitisation of human archaeological remains, smart insoles for walking, in-silico modelling of human cancer malignancy and 3D cell models for breast cancer research. You can read more about these in the student’s blogs and posts.
Most of these placements were funded by the School’s own “Hotstart” scheme which runs each year, some others by the Carnegie Trust who fund vacation scholarships across Scotland each year. We’ve also been running a seminar series over summer focussing on research skills for projects. Because we’re running these remotely, we’ve been delighted to make these open to any students who are interested in attending, wherever they are in the world this summer.