Early Career Academic Programme (ECAP) Scheme

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Early Career Academic Programme (ECAP) Scheme

Early Career Academic Programme (ECAP) Scheme

The University of Aberdeen, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and NHS Grampian and Highland are able to offer an additional opportunity as part of the Aberdeen Clinical Academic Training (ACAT) Programme which is intended for entrants on IMT or run-through or core- training in any discipline with NHS Grampian or NHS Highland.

Information on current Research Programmes, Research Centres and Institutes are available within the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition web pages

If you have difficulty finding a research programme of your interest but still wishes to apply for the scheme, it is advisable to contact Professor Myint who will be able to provide guidance.

Over a two-year programme, the appointed ECAP academic trainees will be given an academic mentor, an honorary university title, access to the full support of the academic infrastructure, a small budget for research/publications and travel to conferences, help with applying for fellowships and identification of research opportunities.

There will not be protected time but rather the support provided is intended to make it possible to set and pursue research goals alongside your training requirements.

The trainees will also be encouraged to formulate plans for medium to long-term research opportunities which may include fellowship applications or MD/PhD studentships or entering into training programmes with the view of progressing towards competing for SCREDS Clinical Lecture positions.

A Clinical Academic Training background not only makes for a challenging, exciting and fulfilling career, but can increase career opportunities, opening up exciting doors in the world of research and clinical practice. Our previous Trainees have moved on to complete PhDs, take up SCREDS Clinical Lecturer positions and others have gone on to prestigious Academic Clinical Fellowships.