Specialised Foundation Training is an initiative designed to introduce talented newly-qualified foundation doctors to academic research and provide opportunities for them to acquire the skills necessary to contribute to medical research programmes. The Specialised Foundation Programme in the North of Scotland was designed with the vision of creating highly motivated, clinically outstanding and research minded individuals. The aim of the Specialised Foundation Programme is to prepare the best newly qualified foundation doctors to become future leaders in academic and clinical medicine. Every opportunity will be made available to enhance the academic profile of successful candidates.
Information about academic foundation programmes in Scotland may be found on the Foundation Programme Office website.
From 2021 (applications in 2020) the North Region will offer twelve 2 year academic foundation posts: 3 x academic surgery, 3 x academic medicine, and 6 x medical education. From August 2021 all programmes offer a dedicated four month academic block for research/medical education activities.
As well as acquiring clinical competencies expected of all trainees, each specialised foundation trainee will have a personal academic mentor who is actively engaged in promoting and undertaking research at University and/or NHS level.
Additional features of the programme include the opportunity to engage in the following research activities depending on an individual's interests:
- access to University facilities as an honorary associate of the University
- access to research group meetings/seminars in the relevant fields of interest
- development of laboratory or clinical research skills
- attendance at internal and external scientific meetings
- teaching of medical students and/or involvement in medical education projects e.g. developing skills in a wide range of modes of teaching and assessment delivery and understanding of curriculum management.
- involvement in medical education development, innovation and or pedagogic research
- opportunities to write case reports, reviews and publish original research
- participation in quality improvement (QI) projects, ongoing clinical studies including trials
- regular academic review meetings
The trainees will also be encouraged to formulate plans for medium to long-term research opportunities which may include fellowship applications or MD/PhD studentships. The academic mentor will facilitate academic development at every opportunity and in every rotation within the 2-year programme.
The programme will be integrated with ongoing efforts to streamline post foundation clinical academic training at the University of Aberdeen. Upon completion of the two-year programme, trainees will have opportunities to apply for an Early Career Academic Programme (ECAP) (formerly Academic Core or Run through Training) in ordfer to maintain momentum in their academic careers.
Postgraduate Master Programmes and PG Certificate Courses
The University of Aberdeen and The North of Scotland Deanery introduced a Postgraduate Master Programme for clinical academic trainees. These programmes offer either online, face-to-face or a blended approach in teaching and learning and therefore provide flexibility. The details of taught Master programmes offered by the University of Aberdeen can be found here.
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Methods (PgCert Health Research Methods)
This course was among the first such qualifications in the UK designed specifically for AFP doctors and in 2017 an on-line version of the certificate is being launched to allow AFPs more flexibility to study for a postgraduate qualification alongside their clinical training. It provides training in generic research skills with emphasis on translational medicine.
Training includes data handling, statistics and epidemiology, critical appraisal and scientific writing. These are all fundamental research skills required by individuals who wish to pursue a career in academic medicine. The PgCert in Health Research Methods also allows trainees the opportunity to undertake a defined research project under the mentorship of their clinical academic supervisor.
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education (PgCert Clinical Education)
The PgCert in Clinical Education is accredited by the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME). This enables those who undertake and successfully complete the programme to apply for full membership of the academy without the need to go through the full application and assessment process.
Membership of the Academy grants the use of the post-nominal letters MAcadMEd, and indicates the individual has been deemed to meet the Academy's Professional Standards for Medical Educators at an appropriate level
Further information about these unique opportunities including course fees can be found in the online prospectus .